Daily Vitamina

Health Benefits of Christmas Herbs

During Christmas time there are some herbs that are very popular. Herbs like cinnamon, anise, scotch pine and peppermint tend to awaken our senses because they smell so good, but they are also filled with many nutrients.

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Cinnamon: This is the most popular herb among Christmastime because the strong aroma reminds us of the holiday season. Tea with cinnamon and lemon is a great form of antioxidants and antibiotics, which is why you should be drinking this when you have a cold or a sore throat. In addition, cinnamon can lower your blood sugar and it is known to decrease the amount of glucose that enters the blood stream after a meal. It can also help fight bacterial and fungal infections and even protect against cancer. Drinking cinnamon tea can cut the risk for heart disease and even protects neurons, which slows down neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Scotch pine: Many people love the scent of a freshly cut pine tree that puts them in the holiday spirit. What most people don’t know is that you can borrow a branch and start reaping the benefits. The scent alone can help you relieve stress and help you cope with seasonal depression. You can also buy scotch pine oil, which is great for bronchitis and can help with chest congestion. If you mix a couple of drops of pine oil with vegetable oil, you can use it as massage oil for muscle aches and even relieve arthritis pain. Many people also enjoy a cup of pine needle tea, which contains vitamin C and can be used as a diuretic that can help remove small deposits that accumulate in the kidneys and bladder.


Anise: This beautiful star-shaped herb is very fragrant and is often put in holiday pastries. You can make anise tea when you have a sore throat because it can provide an instant relief to aches, such as constant coughing and the swelling of the throat. If you have an upset stomach, anise tea can help soothe your stomach and digestive problems, such as gas and cramps. If you’re trying to cut sweets from your diet, anise is a healthier alternative, plus it keeps your breath fresh.

Peppermint: There’s a reason why peppermint is used in oral care products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash and that’s because it stops the growth of different types of bacteria. Peppermint tea is great for your digestive health and it can even lower a fever. It also helps boost your immune system and aids in relieving mental stress, a cough and cold. The smell of peppermint oil is said to aid in weight loss because it can suppress appetite, which reduces overeating. It’s also good for digestion and provides relief from excess gas, bloating, cramping and other digestive issues.


NEXT: The Best Cleansing Herbs

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