Daily Vitamina

Why You Should Swish Oil In Your Mouth Instead of Mouthwash

Oil pulling is a great way to help keep your teeth healthy. This technique consists of swishing oil in your mouth, which has several oral health benefits. More and more people are looking for ways to incorporate natural products into their beauty and hygiene routine because it’s easier, low-cost, and effective.

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian remedy that comes from Ayurvedic medicine and this ancestral medicine is one of the world’s oldest techniques. It is a more natural and a safer option to replace mouthwash you use every day after cleaning your teeth. It is not only made from essential oils and it is chemical-free, but it also can also:

There are many options between the essential oils you can choose from. The most common ones are olive oil, sesame oil or coconut oil. The last one tastes better!

Oil pulling involves a very simple process, you just swish the oil in your mouth for 20 minutes (this is the average time recommended) with a full tablespoon of the oil of your choosing and… and that is it! You spit it out and you are ready to go. Try to introduce it progressively in your routine and then use it every day.

If you’re not comfortable using essential oils you have at home, you can try using the Masigi Pulling Oil mouthwash which comes in several flavors, such as ginger and grapefruit and peppermint and spearmint. Many times when you use coconut oil the smell can be difficult to use for oil pulling, but with these ready-to-go packets, it makes things easier. Their products are made from 100% organic coconut oil and essential oils. Organic coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

The first time you try it can feel like it’s overwhelming especially if you don’t like the greasy feeling of coconut oil. We recommend that you start out with half a spoon or half of the packet of Masigi Pulling Oil mouthwash and try it to see how you like it, that way you’re not overwhelmed with having to use the entire packet. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll notice that the process is super simple and your teeth feel clean and the taste in your mouth is refreshing and better than using traditional mouthwash which often leaves you with that burning sensation that comes from products that contain alcohol.

Now that we are closer to Christmas you know what to ask Santa, these make a great stocking stuffer! Turn it into a healthy new habit and start using pulling oils. You can also take advantage of their travel-friendly packet, which you can take on holidays or even work. Keep in mind that teeth are the only bones exposed in our bodies and there is no way we can replace them, so we have to take good care of them.

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