Daily Vitamina

Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer?

Being diagnosed with cancer is extremely difficult and we never think we are exposed or that it can happen to us until it happens. We often relate cancer to older people, but actually, cancer has nothing to do with age. For instance, prostate cancer is often related to old men, but there are lots of young men who can suffer from it too, that’s why it’s good to do everything you can to diminish your chances from getting it.prostate cancer

According to Barnaclinic.com, the function of the prostate is to produce male hormones as well as some components of the seminal fluid. Prostate disorders usually occur in men older than 50 due to the increased incidence of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. However, prostate problems can occur at a younger age. There are different causes for this type of cancer, but a high percentage is related to genes. This makes it even harder to fight cancer and to prevent it, but here we have some tips to help you if you run the risk of developing it:

  1. Control your daily quantity of dairy and calcium. Consuming an excessive amount of dairy and calcium is especially harmful if you’re at risk of cancer. Milk products may cause a small increase in the risk of prostate cancer.


  1. Watch your vitamins. According to Cancer.gov, the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) found that vitamin E  supplements increase the risk of prostate cancer. The risk continued even after the men stopped taking vitamin E. So, make sure the vitamins you get come from fruits and veggies, and if you take additional vitamins, make sure you’re taking the ones you really need.

  1. Lifestyle is always important. Not only for prostate cancer but for any kind of cancer, make sure you have a healthy diet, you exercise. and quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol and smoking make bad cells duplicate ever quicker, which makes it harder to stop or even eradicate cancer.

  1. Be careful with folic acid. Cancer.gov states that folate is a kind of vitamin B that occurs naturally in some foods, such as green vegetables, beans, and orange juice. Folic acids are a man-made form of folate that is found in vitamin supplements and fortified foods, such as whole-grain bread and cereals. A 10-year study showed that the risk of prostate cancer was increased in men who took 1 milligram (mg) supplements of folic acid. However, the risk of prostate cancer was lower in men who had enough folate in their diets.


  1. Don’t be shy. There are specific tests that can measure your risk to see if this type of cancer is common in your family. Most men are shy about taking those exams because they involve checking your private parts, but all men should get checked after 50 and if you have a family history of prostate cancer, your doctor might recommend it sooner.  This might not prevent cancer, but the sooner you detect the problem, the quicker and the easier it is to deal with it.

As you can see, there is more you can do than you thought, and it’s important to talk about it and ask questions if you know of a family member that’s had it If you think you could likely to get cancer, talk to your doctors as soon as possible. Never leave it for later!

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