Daily Vitamina

Behavioral Therapy is a Must for Children Diagnosed with ADHD

ADHD or Attention Deficit Disorder is typically diagnosed when children are between the ages of 3 and 6. The symptoms can vary from being hyperactive, impulsive, showing lack of attention, or a combination of the latter. Many parents visit their family doctors for help and according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they found that most children are not getting the proper treatment.

In their study, they collected data from children with special health care needs, ages 4 through 17 years of age and they found that most children with ADHD received either medication or behavioral treatment, not both. Less than 1 in 3 children with ADHD received both types of therapy and only half of children ages 4-5 received behavioral therapy. Half of those children were taking medication and 1 in 4 were treated with only medication.

What to Do?

What to Expect?

 Next Steps

  1. Set a schedule and develop a routine he can follow
  2. Tell him what you expect from him
  3. Praise positive behavior
  4. Help them become organized
  5. Model good behavior

READ: Is It ADHD, Or Is It…

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