Daily Vitamina

3 Things That Will Make Your Life Easier At The Gym

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Fashion trends are very important in today’s day and age, including at the gym. The fitness industry has grown tremendously over the last couple of years because not only do people want trendy items to help them workout, but they also want things that have a better functionality.

Yoga Pants

Yoga pants are available in a variety of colors, patterns, and designs. There are many expensive brands of yoga pants but when it comes to choosing the right pair, you have look inside of the tag for the ingredients that are going to work for you. Most yoga pants contain “Lycra” spandex or “Supplex” nylon, which have moisture wicking properties and retain their shape, but after you sweat in them they tend to retain smells. Cotton is great, but it tends to fade, which is why we recommend getting a cotton-synthetic blend, which has the moisture wicking and breathable properties of synthetics without the smell and they too retain their shape and allow you workout comfortably.

Plastic Bottle

Men and women at the gym lately appear to have moved on from the classic water bottle at the gym. The latest trend is the shaker bottle, such as the Blender Bottle.  It is not only used for water, the shaker bottle has a metal ball inside with grooves that can break up whatever powder you put inside when shaken and mixed with water, from matcha tea to protein powder. The shaker bottle is a great way to mix up your protein or energy drink mix for before or after your workout. Shaker bottles come in all different colors and patterns and are a great way to be trendy and environmentally friendly.

Jewelry at the gym? Yes!

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One of the most difficult decisions to make, however, is what to wear for jewelry at the gym. Many people, whether married or engaged, have engagement or wedding rings. Sweat can cause jewelry to dull, lose its shine, and if not careful, can be broken or lost while exercising. The Groove Ring is a great option if you don’t want to damage your expensive jewelry. The Groove Ring is a silicon-based ring that is tight but allows your skin to breathe while allowing air in and wicking the moisture out. It is flexible under pressure, waterproof, and is available in an array of colors. It allows you to still be wearing a ring but this ring can handle the type of stress being put on it.

Although being fashionable at the gym is sometimes difficult to achieve, these products make life a little easier. It doesn’t require a lot of money to look your best while exercising and you can still be very comfortable in whatever exercises you are doing.

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