Daily Vitamina

What is Alexis Bledel’s Secret to Gorgeous Skin?

Alexis Bledel is coming back to Stars Hollow, joining fellow co-star mom Lauren Graham in the Gilmore Girls revival for Netflix. There have been some photos of the gorgeous blue-eyed Latina and we couldn’t help but notice how she hasn’t really aged during the last 9 years since we’ve seen her on Gilmore Girls. What’s her secret?

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According to the Black Book of Hollywood Beauty Secrets, Bledel’s secret to the fountain of youth is cleansing her skin with olive oil. “About once a week, I steam my face with pure olive oil,” says Bledel. “You just get a bowl of hot water, dab a little olive oil on your dry spots, and let it do its work. It’s an old trick that really works and your skin stays soft and line-free.”

Benefits of Olive Oil for Skin

Olive oil is great for most skin types, especially if you have dry skin. It is not only great to eat, but it’s also an ingredient found in several beauty products, including mascara, lotions, and shampoos. These are just are just some of the benefits:

Oil Cleansing Method

Cleansing your face with olive oil is very easy. All you need is a soft washcloth, oil, and hot running water. Simply pour oil onto the palm of your hand and smooth it all over your face, gently massaging your skin. Let the oil sit for a couple of minutes to give it enough time to work on dissolving the impurities in your skin.

Once you’re ready to remove the oil from your face, run the washcloth under the hot water and place the washcloth over your face. Leave it there until it cools then wipe your face gently and repeat until your skin feels clean and moisturized. This deep cleansing method should be done regularly, but not too frequently. You can benefit from this cleansing method if you do it a couple of times a week.

Remove Makeup Fast and Nourish Your Skin With Cleansing Oils

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