Daily Vitamina

Night-time Beauty Habits

night time beauty

Good skin starts early. As a child I remember my mom using Vaseline on her face every day at night. Many Latina moms use this regimen at night and decades later the Vaseline routine has given them soft skin and minimal wrinkles. Personally I don’t like the texture of Vaseline, but I always knew that moisturizing was key to great skin. Now that I am an adult, I tend to be more conscious about what I eat, what I do, especially when it comes to my skincare. Plus, the things you do at night can really have an impact on your skin.

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Eating Habits

Many people wake up washing their face, they use a sensitive skin face wash and realize that it’s not working. What’s wrong? Most of these morning face washes are designed with anti-bacterial ingredients that kill bacteria. Often it’s not the bacteria that is causing your acne, but poor eating habits, such as fried foods, processed foods and not eating enough vegetables and drinking water. It’s important to not eat too late at night either because this gives your digestive system a chance to rest, letting our whole body use the available energy for regeneration, damage repair, and cleanup in all its nooks and crannies.


When you exercise you release endorphins and you sweat, you increase blood flow and in turn this helps nourish your skin cells, which help keep them vital, which carries away waste products and removes toxins. Some people feel that breaking out in a sweat is the equivalent of getting a mini-facial. Pores dilate, sweat kicks out trapped dirt and oil. It also revs up your skin’s collage production, which prevent wrinkles. Make sure you get some exercise a couple of hours before going to sleep, otherwise you’ll be too energized. Working out at the right time helps making falling asleep easier too.

Nine Need-To-Know Tips To Reveal Radiant Skin


Many of us work late or sleep with our cell phones next us and this a habit we should get rid of ASAP. A good night’s sleep is needed for a healthy morning glow. You need 7-8 hours of sleep to feel well rested and not feel tired when you wake up. Having dehydrated skin, puffy eyes, dark circles or ashy complexions are characteristics of a poor night’s sleep. Cells repair and rebuild at all stages of sleep, which is why sleep is very important for your skin.


As you can see good skin doesn’t just involve one thing, but a combination. As part of your night-time beauty regimen, it’s important to make sure your skin is clean and moisturized. Many people shower at night, but if you don’t, make sure you remove your makeup because this traps in acne-causing-bacteria that you don’t want. Wash your face and exfoliate to make sure dead and dull skin cells are removed from your pores. You don’t have to exfoliate every day, once a week is enough. Look for a night-time moisturizer. Depending on your age, type of skin and problem areas, you might benefit from a variety of products for your specific skin type. Talk to a dermatologist or even a beauty expert that can recommend specific products that will work great on you. Many face creams are designed specifically for night-time and when you wake up, you see the results.

Tips For Natural Glowing Skin

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