Daily Vitamina

The Best Cleansing Herbs

Man holds a bunch of herbsPollutants and chemicals can overload the body, causing distress and toxic overload. Toxic exposure may be responsible for many chronic diseases. Many experts agree that certain natural ingredients, such as herbs, can help restore balance and health to the body.

If you are on medication, be sure to talk with your physician and make sure these spices won’t interfere with medications or cause adverse reactions due to medical conditions.

1. Turmeric: This orange-colored spice makes a frequent appearance in curry dishes, and boasts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties. Additionally, turmeric promotes circulation, prevents blood clots, and decreases inflammation. It is also thought to accelerate the detoxification process in the whole body by increasing bile production and release. Fun fact: did you know that the blood-thinning drug Coumadin orginated from turmeric?

2. Rosemary: This fragrant, perennial herb has been used since ancient times to flavor cooking and it was also used to preserve meat. As it turns out, rosemary’s high level of antioxidants may play a role in protecting against food spoliage—and also protecting your bodily tissues from free radical damage. It is rosemary’s ability to stimulate the digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems that is thought by herbalists to help cleanse your body. Also, taken alone, rosemary can be a helpful digestive aid for settling your stomach. This is a great herb to grow in your kitchen window, whether you want to cook with fresh needles, or hang upside down to dry out and add to a spice/herb blend.

3. Parsley: Far more important than its low status as a garnish on your plate, parsley has one of the highest levels of chlorophyll of any herb. The high level of chlorophyll can help boost immunity, lower inflammation, and clear toxins. Parsley is traditionally used as a diuretic, which is thought to strengthen the bladder and support kidney function. Additionally, parsley contains alpha-linolenic acid, the omega-3 fatty acid that may help prevent cardiovascular disease and arthritis. With all these benefits, you will want to put parsley in everything from juices to spice mixes.

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