Daily Vitamina

Does Zinc Really Cut Your Cold In Half?

As we experience the flu season upon us, we are dreading the possibility of catching the common cold, and are willing to try anything to end the miserable feeling. When most people feel they are getting a cold, they bundle up, eat chicken soup and drink vitamin C, but what most people don’t know is that taking zinc could cut your cold in half.

Most colds are caused by rhinoviruses, a family of 99 viruses that trigger symptoms like a sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. Rhinoviruses live and breed inside nasal passages. Coughing and sneezing easily spread the virus in our immediate environment.  Anyone who comes in contact with a virus may easily become infected.
Although the common cold causes minor symptoms, it is the number one reason for work and/or school absences. The symptoms of a cold interfere with our concentration, making it difficult to focus on even simple tasks. Additionally, colds affect sleep and zap our energy. Cold sufferers seeking to feel better faster, often look to remedies, such as zinc, to quickly alleviate their symptoms.
What is zinc?
Zinc is a mineral commonly found in whole wheat flour, nuts and red meat amongst other foods.  It is among the most important minerals in the body since it plays an important role in many cellular functions such as hair and skin health, eyesight, and cognitive functions.  However, the most immediately observable effect is the impact on your immune system. Research has shown that if zinc is taken particularly on the first day of experiencing cold symptoms, it can lead to a faster recovery.
Zinc is referred to as an “essential trace element” because very small amounts of zinc are necessary for human health.  It is used to treat many health needs:


How does zinc shorten colds?
Rhinoviruses attach themselves to the mucus membranes in our nose and throat making us sick.  Once the rhinoviruses attach themselves to a specific receptor in our mucous membranes they quickly begin replicating.  Zinc lozenges release electrically charged ionic zinc, which is attracted to the same receptor as the rhinoviruses.  Zinc takes over by occupying enough of these receptors making the area inhospitable to viruses which quickly scatter attempting to find a new home.

Foods rich in zinc:
If you are looking to improve your health and fight a cold while you are at it,  be sure to include enough zinc in your diet.  Also, if you are starting to get sick make sure to pop a zinc lozenge since it may drastically shorten your cold.
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