Daily Vitamina

Health Benefits of Going Meatless For One Day A Week

Meatless Monday is a global movement that started in 2003, which focuses on skipping meat one day of the week–something that is great for your health and for the planet. Several Latin American countries have adapted this new way of life, including Peru, Mexico, Honduras and Chile, as well as several cities in the U.S.

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 On average, Americans eat 8 ounces of meat per day, which is 45% more than the USDA recommends. Since Americans consume an excess of meat, one day won’t interfere with the daily allowance of protein. While you can choose not to eat meat any day of the week, research shows that since Monday is the beginning of the week, it makes it the perfect time to start something new and continue, just the same way people are more likely to start a new workout routine when they start at the beginning of the week.

What are the Benefits?

Going meatless for one day also helps your wallet. Many people complain that it’s expensive to eat healthy, but if you think about the high cost of meat compared to eating vegetables for one day, you could really see the difference. You can see a cut in the weekly budget if you leave one package of meat behind and substitute it with vegetables instead, especially vegetables that are in season.

In addition you are helping reduce the carbon footprint–the United Nations estimate that the meat industry generates nearly one-fifth of man-made green house gas emissions that affect climate change. If you think about the amount of water that is needed to feed livestock (1,800-2500 gallons) as well as fuel needed to transport it to your local supermarket, you are seeing more benefits for the planet.

If you do it for any other reason, do it for your health. Eating right along with an exercise routine can help keep diseases away. Treatment of chronic preventable diseases account for 70% of the U.S healthcare spending and by reducing your risk you can keep the doctor away. Think about it, it’s only one day.

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