Daily Vitamina

Natural Mosquito Repellant to Help You Enjoy the Warm Weather

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With barbeque season right around the corner, mosquitoes should be the least of your worries. Unfortunately when you’re entertaining in your backyard, these pesky insects can be a big factor, especially at night. Just imagine, you have your friend’s over to eat some carne asada and having a great time, except you notice that your guests start swaying and hitting their arms because mosquitoes are biting them. You take the party inside, but you want to be outside enjoying the nice weather.

There are many options to sway away mosquitoes. There are sprays that you could use to spray yourself, which include DEET, which is designed to repel, rather than kill mosquitoes. Some people have complained of minor skin and eye irritation, but about one-third of the population still use these.

There are other natural ingredients that mosquitoes don’t like, such as lemon eucalyptus oil. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved eucalyptus oil as an effective mosquito repellant. Using a mixture of a third of lemon eucalyptus oil can give you 95% protection against mosquitoes for up to three hours.

Lavender is a flower we love, but mosquitoes hate. Many people grow beautiful purple lavender bushes that not only look and smell great, but they help keep mosquitoes away. You can actually squeeze the oil out of these flowers or buy lavender oil and apply it directly onto the skin. Since lavender is an analgesic and an antiseptic, it can prevent bites, as well as soothes and calms skin.

Mosquito Repellant Recipe

Combine 15 drops of lavender oil, 4 tsp. of vanilla extract and ¼ cup of lemon juice in a 16 oz spray bottle, then fill with water and shake to mix ingredients.

 NEXT: Tips Para Evitar Riesgos en El Jardín

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