Daily Vitamina

Parents: Help Your Kid Ace An Exam!

Parents often pull their hair trying to help their children with their homework and even prepping for a test the next day. It’s not an easy task to do, especially for those seasoned parents who can’t remember how to do “simple math” and are often left Googling subjects to help their child. Now, there’s something you can do that can help your child ace that exam.

New research shows that students who are given information and tell someone about it immediately recall the details better and longer. Think about what happens when you hear gossip, yes it may be juicy information and details, but it’s a similar concept and you remember.

This same strategy can be used when studying because by repeating the information a student just read or learned, it makes them understand the material better when they are telling someone else. “This has to be actively re-playing or re-generating the information—for example, by telling someone the particulars, as opposed to just simply re-reading the textbook or class notes and studying it again later,” said Baylor University psychologist, Melanie Sekeres, Ph.D., lead author of the study.

“What we found in our study was that a week later, the memory was just as good,” she said. “Telling someone else about what you’ve learned is a really effective way for students to study instead of just re-reading the textbook or class notes.”

In the study, published in the journal Learning & Memory, students were shown 24-second clips from 40 films over a period of about half an hour. The study focused on their retention of both the general plot of the films as well as such details as sounds, colors, gestures, background details and other peripheral information that allow a person to re-experience an event in rich and vivid detail, said Sekeres, assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience in Baylor’s College of Arts & Sciences.

Researchers also found that giving students a brief visual cue from the movie later — even a simple glimpse of the title and a little sliver of a screenshot taken from the film — seemed to jog the memory.

Researchers found that:

“With a cue, suddenly, a lot of those details will come back,” Sekeres said. “We don’t permanently forget them, which would indicate a lack of storage — we just can’t immediately access them. And that’s good. That means our memories aren’t as bad as we think.”

Much research on memory examines how brain damage or aging affects recall, but “we wanted to look at the normal course of forgetting in healthy brains — and if anyone should have a good memory, it’s healthy young adults,” Sekeres said. “While the strategy of re-telling information — known as ‘the testing effect’ — has been shown to be a really effective study technique time and again, this study is novel in looking at how our memories change over time for a specialized group.”

Researchers studied three groups of undergraduate students, each with 20 participants, who were on average 21 years old. After viewing the film clips, researchers asked what they remembered about the films after delays ranging from several minutes after the showings up to seven days later.


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