Daily Vitamina

Winterize Your Beauty Routine

Winter is coming…and we’re hearing there’s a bad winter ahead of us, so it might be a good idea to prepare your skin for the frigid cold.  We rush to get the warmest coats, scarves, gloves, earmuffs, but what about your beauty routine. You can’t be wearing the same type of makeup or moisturizers that you used in the summer.  We have some great tips on how to winter-proof your beauty routine that will help you feel and look your best.

During the winter we have to be extra careful with out skin because the cold weather can cause a number of problems. Here are some great tips to handle the most common issues that come with the frigid temperatures:

Smudged makeup: When it gets really cold, the wind can dry up your eyes and cause them to water or even cause your eyelashes to freeze. Make sure you use waterproof mascara just in case your eyes start to tear up. Use translucent pressed powder to keep your makeup from smudging or getting on your winter coat.

Reddish skin: If you live in areas with below-zero winters you are familiar with the dreaded windburn, which really hurts! It may leave you with reddish parched skin and in some cases frostbite. The best thing that you can do during high-wind conditions is moisturize heavily and cover as much of your face and limbs as possible. If you suffer from windburn, which leaves your skin looking inflamed and reddish, apply moisturizer with calming ingredients and apply color-correcting concealer to hide the damage.

Dry air: The dry and hot hair coming from your central heating system can contribute to dry skin. Consider changing your facial cleanser to a milky or creamy cleanser with fewer skin stripping detergents. Also, use vegetable soaps or a creamy hydrating body wash and limit the use of hot water, which can also dry up your skin. Itchy and flaky skin may signal that your skin is dehydrated, so add some moisturizer and get a humidifier to add a little bit of moisture to the air.

Dry skin: Getting a facial during the winter is a must. You can also try a DIY moisturizing face mask at home to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Don’t forget about hands and knuckles, which can start to peel from cold temperatures. Always keep some lip-balm handy and use it often to prevent chapped lips, which can feel like someone sliced them with the cold.

Sun damage: Most people skip the sunscreen in the winter because they don’t spend as much time outside, but the fact is that UV rays are present all year long. Use foundation that contains SPF, that way it’s one less thing to worry about. Use sunscreen that is at least SPF-30 especially if you’re going to be outside or driving for a long period of time. This will help protect your skin from the harmful rays and prevent sun damage.

Dry and tangled hair: This is one of the most common problems during the winter. The dreaded hat hair, static, and dry hair. Make sure you change your shampoo and add hydrating oils to keep your hair protected from the cold. Add some deep-conditioning treatments at home or talk to your beauty expert at the salon to see what your hair needs.

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