Daily Vitamina

Is Sex Really Healthy?


Sex can work wonders to your health, skin, and well-being. It’s a light cardiovascular exercise but it also does so many other things for you! Here are some reasons on why sex is an absolute must for your health.


  1. Improved heart health. Just like any physical activity, sex is good for your heart. Studies have proven that your risk of dying from a heart disease event such as stroke or heart attack goes down as the frequency of your good orgasms increase over time. If you’re ‘worrying’ about the exertion involving sex, don’t worry. Studies show that the most intense sex moments are about the same as walking 4 to 6 miles an hour.

  1. Sweet pain relief. Just looking at your significant other can help ease pain. When anesthesiologists showed people taking part in a study photos of their romantic partners or photos of attractive strangers, they found that their partners dulled out the experience of pain. Even though you might think pain is a barrier to sex, consider this one sex benefit worth the time and effort: take a moment to really look at your lover. Other studies have found that women may get some relief from menstrual cramps through a good orgasm.

  1. Less stress. Healthy sex offers the same soothing effects of sugary comfort foods when it comes to reducing stress. Researchers theorize that stress reduction occurs because the pleasure pathways are ignited by sex. It looks like the effects is a little more lasting than we think.


  1. Cancer prevention. Research suggests that men may reduce their risk of prostate cancer proportionately to their good orgasms and stimulation of their testicles. While more research is needed, this would certainly be a welcomed sex benefit.


  1. Healthier Skin. Does more sex make your skin better? Yes. Sex releases a key compound in the body that is good for all kinds of things-including improving your complexion. During sex, your body produces a chemical called DHEA(dehydroepiandrosterone). It boosts the immune system, and gives you healthier skin. It may even decrease depression (like we didn’t know that).
  1. Better sleep. You can just put away the chamomile tea. When the tea isn’t doing its job, bring on the sex. Sex helps relieve anxiety and stress better. It’s a proven fact–sex helps with sleep.

So the more sex you have the better. It’s an exercise many of us appreciate and really love! The more you have the better you’ll feel. So next time you’re stressed out, just do it.

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