Daily Vitamina

Signs Of Sickness Your Body Is Sending You


Many times we feel sick, tired, or have pains that we can’t explain. For most diseases there are warning signs, some may come in subtle forms of pains or smells, inflammation, or weird formations in our bodies. The important thing is to listen to your body because it’s trying to send you a message even though it may not always be as clear.

You’re Gaining Or Losing Weight

Overweight people tend to fall into two categories: (1) “apples,” who carry their extra weight around the waist and belly, and (2) “pears,” who carry their weight around the hips and thighs. While being overweight is one of the body’s whispers of poor health, apple-shaped individuals are at higher risk of heart disease than pear-shaped people because they carry their fat around their organs. Losing weight too quickly without dieting or exercising is a big problem too. It could mean that you have diabetes, a thyroid problem, or even cancer.

Bad Breath

Dr. Mercola refers to digestive issues as a ‘little-known but major cause of bad breath’ and he states that a fishy smell suggests kidney problems, while a fruity-smell may signal uncontrolled diabetes. Caused by an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in your gut, the smell may even get worse after you eat something sugary because the bacteria is feeding off the sugar. Digestive system disorders, such as reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease) are also a cause of foul smelling breath. Take a high dose of probiotics and fermented foods to help your body better digest foods and feed the good bacteria. These foods also alter the flora in your mouth leading to better smelling breath in no time.

Itchy Skin

It could just be allergies or some other benign skin disorder, but excessive itchiness may also be the only whisper your body gives you when you’re suffering from liver disease. Other skin conditions that lead to rashes could include bug bites, an iron deficiency, nerve disorders, allergic reactions and even reactions to certain drugs. Pregnant women also experience itchy skin, which may be a sign of dehydration or your skin starting to expand as you get bigger, which is why it’s so important to drink plenty of water and moisturize.

Poor Sleep Quality

If you have a hard time drifting off to sleep at night, it could be a sign that your stress levels are too high. Those who have issues with falling asleep could have higher levels of cortisol, which can result from your body putting out too many fight-or-flight stress responses. If you have issues falling asleep and getting quality sleep, it is time to do something about it. In the long run, lack of quality sleep can lead to a lowered immune system and a wide variety of health issues, including weight gain.

Catch a cold or Flu

If you’re that person who catches every cold your friends have or gets sick every time your kids do, your immune system may not be functioning optimally, which can put you at risk not only of infectious diseases. Make sure you’re eating the right foods in order to keep your immune system strong, which fight off illnesses.

Body Odor

Impaired digestion causes the production of smelly chemicals in the gut which are absorbed back into the body and are eliminated through the skin in the form of sweat. Because protein-rich foods (particularly red meat) can be difficult for the body to digest, they can often cause body odor as it takes them longer to pass through your digestive system. If you are experiencing a rise in body odor, especially after eating, then your digestive enzymes levels may be lower than ideal. Avoid red meats and fatty foods which can be harder for the body to process.

Excessive thirst and urination

This is one of the most common signs of diabetes. If you can’t seem to quench your thirst and find yourself going to the bathroom way more than usual, this may be due to excess glucose in your blood. When this happens, the kidneys have to work extra hard to filter out the sugar, which causes all the urination. The excessive urination then leads to dehydration, which is what brings on the constant feeling of thirst.

These are only a couple of signs your body is sending you telling you that something is off. Make sure you don’t ignore these signs and act quickly. Visit your doctor if you feel something is off and don’t be embarrassed to ask questions. You could potentially catch something before it develops into something worse.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

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