Daily Vitamina

Dry Hair?|DIY Hair Deep Conditioning Treatments

Visiting your hairdresser can be quite expensive. Sometimes you only have enough for the haircut and you skimp on the deep conditioning because it can run you almost as much as the haircut itself. Many times you’re paying more because 1. someone is doing it for you and 2. the name of the brand. We can guarantee that they use the same ingredients in the following DIY conditioning treatments that you can try at home and for a fraction of the cost.

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Everyone loves honey, but the thought of putting it on your hair might have you question, how do you get the stickiness out? It’s pretty simple, you just need a half a cup of honey(if it’s organic, even better), four tablespoons of olive oil, use less if you have oily hair. Mix ingredients together in a bowl and then massage it into your hair. Once you’ve applied the mixture, you can put on a shower cap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. Then rinse it off and shampoo your hair like normal.

Coconut Oil

Everyone raves about the many properties coconut oil has and there’s a reason for that, it really does wonders for your skin and hair. It will not only make your hair shiny, but also very soft and as an added bonus, it smells great. If you have oily hair, the coconut oil will get rid of the excess oil and leave your hair looking beautiful. Mix one cup of water, one egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and whisk it in a bowl. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp and leave it for 5 minutes, then rinse your hair with water.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is another popular ingredient in moisturizers and hair products. Plus if you have split ends, this mixture will help get rid of those. You need 1 cup of Shea butter, 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil, lavender or rosemary oil, whichever you prefer. This mixture takes a little bit of cooking, but not too much. The Shea butter will need to be liquidly, so you will have to heat it in a pan, add the olive oil and let it cool until it’s cool enough to be applied onto your hair. If you wait too long it will go back to being solid and thick. This mixture promises to make your hair feel thicker and beautiful, which is great for those who have thin hair.


When you think of eggs, you think of the stinky smell, right? Well, it might smell weird, but you have to remember that eggs are a great source of protein, which is why it’s so great for your hair. Mix one egg, one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil. Add to your hair and let it sit for a couple of minutes, then rinse it off and shampoo your hair as normal.

Aloe Vera

You can find the Aloe Vera plant or use an aloe gel, but we love using natural ingredients, so we like the plant better. Use ¼ cup of Aloe Vera and ¼ cup of coconut oil. You can warm up the ingredients in a pan, since the coconut oil needs to be smooth when applied onto your hair. Apply mixture to your hair  and leave it in for 10-15 minutes. This mixture is full of vitamins, so it will restore moisture, shine and luster.

NEXT: No More Frizzy Hat Hair!

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