There are several things people have to worry about when they have diabetes. The first and most important thing is to control their blood sugar. Diabetes has emotional side effects that are often difficult to control. Studies show that people with diabetes have a greater risk of depression than those without it, so it’s important to know how to deal with those emotions.
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Feeling sad is nothing abnormal for most people; it may be a temporary feeling, which more than likely goes away. Yet, for some people those moments of sadness may not go away. When life seems hopeless and this feeling continues, it might be a sign of depression.
For people that have diabetes, the stress of diabetes management can be overwhelming, especially when they’re recently diagnosed. They have to test their blood sugar at home and pricking their finger can be painful. They also have to watch what they eat, which might make them feel stressed. Taking their prescription medications may also make them feel different and the pressure of having to take them at scheduled times might bring added stress to their lives. Tension between their doctor might also make them feel frustrated or sad. One day they can feel great, but the next might be a different story.
What are the signs of being depressed? According to the American Diabetes Association, it can vary from person to person, but if you or a loved one has any of these signs, it might be a good thing to seek professional help.
- Loss of pleasure: You no longer take interest in doing things you used to enjoy.
- Change in sleeping patterns: You have trouble going to sleep, you wake up in the middle of the night, or you want to sleep all day and feel tired.
- Change in appetite: You notice you are eating more or less than usual, resulting in weight gain or weight loss.
- Can’t concentrate: You can’t do an activity because your thoughts or feelings are getting in the way.
- Nervousness: You feel so anxious that you can’t sit still.
- Guilt: You feel like nothing ever goes your way or you’re worried that you’re a burden to others.
- Suicidal thoughts: You feel like you want to die or think about ways to hurt yourself to end the pain you are feeling.
If you’ve been feeling any of these, perhaps it’s time you talk to your doctor or seek help. Your local Diabetes Association may also be a good source to seek help.