Daily Vitamina

Symptoms & Other Health Problems Related to Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a form of blood cancer that affects both white and red blood cells. It causes cancer cells to accumulate in bone marrow, where they overpower healthy blood cells. Symptoms vary by patient, especially since the early stages of myeloma often present no visible signs or symptoms.

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Unfortunately, the symptoms for most cancers are not easily detected by specific symptoms. Each case of multiple myeloma is unique, which is why you have to get professionally diagnosed by your doctor. Symptoms can include:

Multiple myeloma can also cause the following:

Most people don’t visit their doctor until their symptoms become persistent, which is a clear sign that something is wrong. Like other cancers, multiple myeloma can be diagnosed in different stages from stage 1 being the least aggressive to stage 3 being the most aggressive. Only your doctor can run blood and urine tests and give you a proper diagnosis. There are various types of treatments and if caught early enough, immediate treatment may not be necessary, even though your doctor will have to regularly monitor your condition to see if the disease is progressing. At that time, your doctor may chose to do various types of therapy to treat this type of cancer. It’s important to vist your doctor at least once a year for a yearly checkup and if you have any of these symptoms, make sure you don’t keep this information from your doctor so he can help you.

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