Daily Vitamina

Grow Your Hair Out Fast!

Many of us visit our local beauty salon because we’re tired of our look and want to change it up. Many times we go to the salon with an idea in our heads, but then when our hairstylist asks what we want, we end up telling her something different or she cuts more than expected. It happens and the worst part is that you start having anxiety because you miss the length of your hair.

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When this happens we often put our hair up in a ponytail and wait anxiously for our hair to grow out. Except that might take months. Fortunately there are things that you can do to speed up the process. If you want healthy and beautiful hair there are food items found in your fridge that can do the trick, such as:

Also: Home Remedies for Shiny, Strong, & Healthy Hair

Apple Cider: There are a million uses for apple cider and it shouldn’t surprise you that apple cider can help hair follicles grow faster. It cleanses your scalp, maintaining the pH balance of hair, which makes it grow faster. You can rinse your hair with apple cider diluted in water after you shampoo your hair. If you don’t like the smell you can add lavender oil to the mix to make it smell better.

Egg mask: You can create a hair mask out of 1-2 egg whites, 1 tsp of olive oil and 1 tsp of honey. Eggs are a great source of protein, which helps hair grow. Just mix the ingredients for the mask and apply on your scalp. You can also apply this mask to the rest of your hair for added shine and strength. Leave it on for an hour and then wash it off with shampoo and water.

Onion juice: If you use it in cooking, why not on your hair. Onion juice has sulphur, which increases the production of collagen tissues which help your hair grow. Red onions or yellow onions will do the trick. Just grate them into a bowl where you can collect the juice, then massage it into your scalp and let it rest for about an hour. Rinse and wash with shampoo.

These three things are very easy to make and will make your hair grow, but if you don’t like the smell of these the best thing you can do is massage your scalp. There are several oils that are great for your hair, such as olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil. You can add these oils to your hair overnight and wear a cap to sleep. You can even try warming up a towel in hot water then wrapping your hair with the hot towel. This is essentially the same thing as a deep conditioning treatment, which will open up your pores on your scalp. Then in the morning you can rinse off the oil.

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