Daily Vitamina

Larry Hernández Is Working to Overcome His Addiction

Larry Hernandez

Alcoholism is a big issue in the Latino community; it’s something that affects 1 in every 12 adults. Larry Hernández recently confessed that he is an alcoholic and that he is working towards overcoming this addiction.

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It’s difficult not being able to have a drink, especially as a singer, where you’re in an environment where everyone is drinking and having a good time. “I would drink on the weekends when I was on stage,” says Larry Hernández during a press conference. He confessed that he would be drunk 12 days of the month.


(Photo by Omar Vega/LatinContent/Getty Images)

Last year the singer was in jail on charges of kidnapping and assault. He admitted that during the time he spent in jail he was able to analyze his life more in detail and finally listened to his family, since they were worried about his drinking.

“That was the challenge [to stop drinking]. Kenia [his partner], my mom, and my children asked me to stop drinking and I couldn’t do it, maybe because I needed God to pull my ears,” he says. Now that he’s left drinking, he feels good and very happy with the life he has now. It’s been almost 10 months since he’s had a drink and he confessed that he attends programs that help him stay sober.

“Yes, I’m an alcoholic and I go to AA [Alcoholic’s Anonymous] meetings, and I’m proud to go,” he said. “Those that see me there even take photos with me.” The best part is that the lack of alcohol hasn’t affected his presentations because now he focuses more on his performances. When his fans gift him a liquor bottle, he signs it and returns it to them.

If you have a alcohol problem, there is help. Contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) for information about prevention and treatment efforts, see the topics Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness and Behavioral Health Treatments and Services.

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