Daily Vitamina

Surviving the Summer

Little boys wet each other with a hose

Woman with curl hair sits in front of fanWhat are the top hot weather safety tips?

During a heat wave, there are certain things you need to do to stay safe, healthy and avoid life-threatening medical emergencies, including heat stroke.

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Here are some of the top precautions that everyone should take…even healthy people:

Know If You’re In a High-Risk Group
This group includes children, the elderly, pregnant women, people who don’t have access to air conditioners, people who have suddenly being exposed to hot weather without an acclimation period, people who are taking certain medications, such as those that narrow your blood vessels or beta blockers, as well as people who suffer from certain health conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease and/or obesity. If you are in a high-risk group, make sure that you drink plenty of water, and remain in a cool environment.

Additionally, family and friends of those in high-risk groups should be sure to check up on them to make sure that they’re safe and taking the steps they need to avoid heat-related illnesses.

Cover Up
Being out in the sun puts you at risk for sun burn and heat stroke. Learn something from the campesinos that we come from and cover up. People who worked in the fields wore long sleeve white shirts for protection from the sun, as well as a way for the sweat to cool off their bodies. Instead of doing that, make sure to put on sunblock with an SPF of at least 50 on scorching days and wear a hat.

Wear A Scarf
Handkerchiefs come in handy during the summer. Fold the hanky or bandanna in half so you have a triangle and wring the scarf together so that it’s tightly wound and resembles a rope. Dip the middle in cold water and tie the scarf around your neck so that the wet section is on the nape of our neck. This can help keep anyone from abuelita to the chamaquitos cool and relaxed.

Drink Water
Staying hydrated is essential to staying healthy in the heat. Drink more than your usual 8-10 glasses in hot weather. As a gauge, your urine should be the color of lemonade.

Cool Off
Visit a cooling facility, enclose shopping mall, or another air-conditioned facility if you don’t have access to an air conditioner.

Watch What You Drink
Avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible to help limit dehydration.

Keep The Action Indoors
Limit outdoor activity during peak heat hours (11am-2pm, in general). If possible, exercise indoors, such as at the gym.

Don’t Forget About Your Little Ones
Make sure that everyone in your family stays properly hydrated and are protected from the heat. Also, never leave your children or your pets in a car – even if it’s just for a few minutes. Neither can sweat enough to cool off properly, and are much more vulnerable to the heat than you are.

If you feel sick…
Heat-related sickness can be serious, leading to nausea, dizziness, confusion, headaches, and even death. But in most cases, it’s avoidable. If you do feel ill and your symptoms don’t resolve after a few minutes in a cool setting, get to a hospital immediately for treatment.

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