Daily Vitamina

10 Tips to Take Care of Your Feet Every Day

Lauren is a young woman who has always had a passion for dancing. She practices hours and hours at her dance academy, but lately, she has a constant pain in her feet. The doctor explained to her that there are many foot diseases: bunions, blisters, and calluses, among others. He recommended that she avoid wearing tight shoes and keep her feet dry. There is also nail fungus, known as onychomycosis, plantar fasciitis, and the dreaded athlete’s foot, an infection caused by a fungus that develops in moist environments.

Caring for your feet is essential for good health and preventing problems and discomfort. 

1️⃣ Wash your feet daily. Always use warm water and mild soap. Be sure to dry them, especially between the toes, to prevent moisture that causes infections.

2️⃣ Keep nails short and clean. File them straight across to avoid difficulties such as ingrown toenails. Clean under the nails with a soft brush to remove accumulated dirt.

3️⃣ Moisturizing. A moisturizer, especially to dry or callused areas, will keep the skin soft and crack-free.

4️⃣ Wear proper footwear. It is essential to wear shoes that fit correctly and are comfortable. Avoid tight or narrow-toed shoes that cause chafing, blisters, or foot deformities.

5️⃣ Change shoes regularly. Do not wear the same pair of shoes every day. Alternate between different pairs to allow them to air out and dry, which helps prevent fungal and bacterial growth.

6️⃣ Clean socks. Opt for socks made of cotton or other breathable, moisture-wicking materials. Change them daily to keep feet dry and prevent odor.


7️⃣ Do not walk barefoot in public areas. Always protect your feet from infections, fungi, and injuries when walking barefoot in swimming pools, gyms, or locker rooms. Wear sandals in these areas.

8️⃣ Stretching exercises. Stretch the muscles and tendons of the feet regularly to maintain their flexibility and prevent stiffness. Do simple activities, such as toe stretches and ankle rolls.

9️⃣ Control moisture. Keep feet dry and clean at all times. Use powder or talcum powder to absorb water, especially if your feet sweat excessively.

🔟 Examine your feet. Watch for changes in your feet skin, nails, or structure. See a doctor or podiatrist immediately if you notice any abnormalities, such as redness, swelling, persistent pain, or sores that do not heal. It is always important to seek appropriate professional care.

✅ How to strengthen the muscles of the feet? A few simple exercises can help strengthen the muscles of your feet. One is to stand on your toes for a few seconds, then lower your heels. Another is to pick up small objects with your toes and hold them for a few seconds before releasing them. You can also try rolling a small ball under your foot, using your foot to grip and keep the ball as you move it around. Doing these exercises can help improve the strength and flexibility of your feet, leading to better balance and stability overall.



Complex composition: Each foot comprises 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. The skin on the feet: The skin on the feet is the thickest skin on the human body. It also contains approximately 250,000 sweat glands, producing up to half a liter of sweat daily.

Fingerprints on the feet: Like fingerprints on the fingers, the feet also have unique fingerprints. These prints are used in forensic identification.

Feet as a mirror of the body: Each part of the foot corresponds to a specific organ or area of the body. Massaging and stimulating different points on the foot influences the health and well-being of other body parts. Cold feet, warm heart: The popular belief that having cold feet indicates a warm heart has no scientific basis. However, cold feet may be a symptom of poor blood circulation. Feet in motion: Walking is an excellent exercise for the feet. During an average day, a person walks between 8,000 and 10,000 steps, equivalent to walking approximately 5 to 8 kilometers.

The foot and hands contain more sweat glands than any other body part. Inside the shoe, the temperature sometimes reaches 102 F. Therefore, this temperature, combined with the moisture generated by the sweat glands, provides a fertile breeding ground for “corynebacterium” and “micrococcus” bacteria, which produce isovaleric acid, the substance responsible for smelly feet. Excessive sweating of the feet and bad odor affects men more than women.






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