Daily Vitamina

The Best Diet for People with Busy Schedules

John is a successful executive with very little time for himself. Every day, he wants to get in shape, but needs help to follow a diet due to his busy schedule. Often eat fast food because of work meetings. One point in his favor: he takes the stairs instead of the elevator and walks short distances instead of driving. However, the food doesn’t help his exercise efforts.

When it comes to dieting, many of us find that the number one obstacle to our success is the lack of time to consume adequate meals and snacks for dietary needs. It is all too common to keep up with John’s pace: resorting to fast food instead of healthy, nutritious food.

Research indicates that a balanced diet is vital in promoting overall wellness. A healthy diet is essential for busy people like executives, as it can significantly affect their physical and mental health.

Nutrition is an excellent ally in work performance, as it is a significant determinant of concentration. This factor comes into play even more when it comes to those who hold positions of high responsibility. People have plenty of responsibilities and feel stressed every day. Irregular schedules, lack of sleep, or physical inactivity can impact eating habits, impacting work performance.

Executives often skip meals, eat high-calorie foods instead of healthier options, and snack on unhealthy items like cookies, snacks, pastries, and ultra-processed foods. They also consume stimulant drinks like cola, coffee, and energy drinks to stay awake and alert.

The senior executive usually has an altered biological clock because of increased workload, schedules, travel, and excessive responsibilities. This translates into stress, insomnia, mood swings, alterations in appetite, and changes in the rhythm of intestinal transit.

Experts suggest adding certain foods to avoid such situations and having a diet that suits your work.

1 – Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, and greens, to combat chronic stress.


2 – Stay hydrated by drinking water, herbal tea, and tea. Avoid soft drinks, sugary beverages, alcohol, and excessive amounts of coffee to improve your physical and mental performance.

3 – Good energy sources with quality nutrients include nuts, lean meats, fiber-rich whole grains, and pure chocolate.

4 – Omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammation. They also improve mental performance due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

5 – Extra virgin olive oil, as the primary source of fat, has an effect against chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome. Its consumption is associated with improved cognitive function.



✔️ What is the best diet? Several experts and rankings consider the Mediterranean diet “the best diet.” The dietary approach focuses on incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, entire grains, nuts, fish, and olive oil while restricting the intake of red meat, refined sugars, and saturated fats. In addition, it has reduced the risk of diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, dementia, memory loss, depression, etc. Experts also value the DASH diet, the Flexitarian diet, and Weight Watchers.

✔️ How many calories a day is ideal in a balanced diet? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an average of 2,000/2,500 calories per day for men and between 1,500 and 2,000 for women. However, this number is an average, a value to take as a reference.

✔️ How does physical activity influence the calculation of daily calorie requirements? Being more physically active increases the calories the body uses for energy. Burning calories through physical activity and reducing the calories consumed create a calorie deficit that results in weight loss.

✔️ What is the best menu for an executive? Some may opt for light and healthy meals during the day, such as salads, fruits, nuts, or green smoothies. Others may choose more substantial options to satisfy their appetite and energy, such as meat, fish, or chicken dishes accompanied by rice, pasta, or vegetables. In general, the important thing is to maintain a balanced diet that provides the nutrients needed to maintain good health and work performance.





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