Daily Vitamina

10 Tips to Stay Healthy And in Love

Silhouette of man and woman kissing during sunset

Starting a new love relationship makes us dream; we have butterflies in our stomachs, our thoughts are constantly oriented toward the other, and we are happy. In short, we are in love!  The phrase “love is blind” is a common expression used to describe how love can make us see past someone’s imperfections or ignore certain negative aspects. In that sense, some people may experience a kind of emotional “blindness” when they are in love.

Emily was so deeply in love with her boyfriend, Lucas, that she would do anything for him, even sacrifice her happiness. She believed love should be all-consuming and that offering everything for love was the most romantic thing a person could do.

Over time, Emily had given up her dreams, hobbies, and friendships. On a visit to the doctor, she was surprised to learn that she was suffering from love sickness. The doctor explained that a person’s emotional state affects their physical health.

When we are in love, it is common to feel intense emotions such as happiness, joy, and euphoria. These positive feelings benefit our health by reducing stress, strengthening the immune system, and promoting general well-being. However, when a romantic relationship becomes toxic or dysfunctional, it causes chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. In addition, unrequited love or the end of a relationship sometimes generates emotional pain and mental disorder, with violent reactions or suicidal desires.

1 – Analysis. A love relationship is a gamble that could be risky, with projects of different lives or incompatible characters, so many details that often lead to the rupture. The couple must be attentive to the smallest details. In the end, this analysis allows confirmation of the chances of forming a long-term couple.

2 – Suffocation. After a while, some people feel suffocated. If the relationship goes too fast, it is sometimes scary.  We are all tempted to spend all our leisure time glued to our partner, but this attitude can be detrimental eventually.

3 – Respect each other. That is one of the basic rules in a couple. You both must respect each other; there is no possible exception to this rule! Without respect, you cannot talk about love. Even in the event of an argument, you must be careful not to disrespect the other and fall into contempt and gratuitous malice.

4 – Communication. Couples who do not communicate with each other cannot sustain their relationship for long. Talking to each other is what creates the basis of the relationship. Talking when something goes wrong and when it goes well avoids unnecessary arguments. In a couple, there is nothing worse than resentments and reproaches that accumulate. And one day, we end up exploding when it is too late.


5 – Balance. Everyone has their way of conceiving the relationship, but, do not try to be like another couple in this regard. What works for your parents or best friends will not make you happy. Be careful to find the right balance with your partner so that you both feel valued instead.

6 – Routine. Even the most original couples experience a time of routine. Beware! Routine and boredom are a couple’s worst enemies. Escaping from your routine occasionally is what makes a couple last. The unexpected, spontaneity, and change are the perfect ingredients to keep the flame of love burning.

7 – Discussions. To discuss well is to know how to talk, to listen to each other without increasing the pressure, and without trying to have the last word or reason at all costs. It is not easy, but it is essential. The important thing is that your partner understands your arguments and that you understand theirs to settle things.

8 – Intimate life. The increase or decrease in desire is often a barometer of the excellent health of the couple. Sporadically, there are “empty periods,” and that is normal. Fatigue, stress, pregnancy, illness, children, work? Many reasons explain a decrease in intimate relationships, but this should not always last. Otherwise, it is a bad sign.

9 – Accept your partner as they are. It is one of the most essential rules to respect. You are in love with that man or woman for specific reasons that are sometimes inexplicable. In any case, their flaws, hobbies, and habits are part of the “package.” Wanting to change the other in your image is not love and will not make the couple last a lifetime.

10 – Be mindful of the trap of jealousy. Mutual trust is indispensable for the good functioning of the couple. Without it, the couple is built on foundations too fragile for the relationship to last. Without faith in the couple, distrust, and jealousy appear on the scene, and nothing is worse. Therefore, a sincere love relationship is made of commitment, where lies and doubt have no place.



There is a love language for a healthy and lasting relationship: Enriching words like compliments; physical touch with tenderness and desire; and how a way of commemorating a special event, gifts. Some people are not good with words of love; others are good with surprises.

✅ Couple projects are indispensable for the good health and continuity of a relationship. Having the same vision of love and the future allows renewing, move forward hand in hand, not get bored, and live together for a long time.





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