Daily Vitamina

Can Dreams Make Our Lives Healthier?

Woman in white dress lying on green grass field

Dreams are always a mystery of human existence; they are vivid, surreal, and sometimes strange. Psychologists believe dreams serve various purposes. Some view them as reflections of our unconscious desires and fears, while others see them as a tool for our minds to interpret our experiences.

Dreams often suggest we are experiencing pressure or stress. A dream where you fall indicates apprehension about losing control or feeling insecure. And to dream of flying is a desire for freedom or a sense of power.

For one woman, dreams became crucial to her journey to a healthier life. She dreamed of running through fields and swimming in the sea every night.

Eventually, she decided to turn those dreams into reality, started running and swimming, and her mental health became more precise and positive. Ultimately, she learned that dreams are powerful tools for improving health.

There are different lists of the most common dreams and their possible meanings. The most frequent ones are: flying, falling, being chased, exhibiting naked in public, losing one’s teeth, being unfaithful, being hurt, having sex, and being trapped.

The dictionaries of dream interpretation are numerous and have precise meanings. For example, a dream with water (drinking or bathing on a beach) is happiness or creation. If the water takes the form of a lake, it means a sad life.

Psychology gives some importance to the interpretation of dreams. According to Sigmund Freud, although sometimes absurd and incoherent, dreams have meaning. Their purpose is to lead to the realization of a desire repressed by the individual.

While reason predominates over our emotions when awake, the reverse phenomenon occurs during sleep. In the world of dreams, emotions reign supreme. Our dreams reflect our state of mind, our worries, and our happiness. Dreams are an excellent source of inspiration for writers, actors, painters, and musicians.



Recent research suggests that dreaming has a positive effect on creativity. One study reveals that people who nap during REM sleep are more creative when dreams are most vivid.

Not all dreams from our subconscious at night are pleasant.

Nightmares come in various forms, such as falling off a building or mountain, being chased by an unknown person, or watching a loved one pass away.

According to some experts, nightmares are an amplified reflection of situations experienced or emotions felt with negative connotations. Thus, a person who has experienced a trauma, such as a sexual assault, relives that moment repeatedly through their dreams. Therefore, the nightmare is a problem that raises more anxieties and worries.

How can one understand the messages in dreams? It is important to remember them and pay attention to their details, emotions, and symbols. Keep a dream journal to record your dreams for later analysis. It is valuable to remember that the meaning of dreams is subjective, varying according to the person and their life context.

Are you curious why you keep having the same dream multiple times? Repetitive dreams indicate stress or unresolved issues linked to anxiety, depression, and negative emotions like fear, sadness, anger, and guilt. According to some theories, recurring dreams manifest concerns or repressed desires that are too threatening to face.

What does it mean to dream of deceased parents? If you dream of your dead parents, it could mean you are anxious about your future or situations where you feel vulnerable without your family. While these nightmares are initially disconcerting, constructive ways exist to approach them and extract positive meaning. For example, consider what advice your parents would give you if they were still alive to help you overcome everyday problems.

What does it mean to dream of being sick? This dream reminds you to focus more on your physical or mental health. You should exercise, get enough rest, or seek professional help if necessary. To dream that you are sick also symbolizes some changes, whether emotional, a change of partner, or a move.




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