Daily Vitamina

Here’s How Pets Promote Health

Love, pet and senior couple with dog relax at home bonding, playing and spend quality time together. Retirement life, smile and happy elderly man, woman or family enjoy peace with domestic animal.

Mike had a hard time maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But all that changed when he adopted his dog Max, an energetic Labrador Retriever.

Mike quickly realized he needed to get Max out of the house daily to satisfy him. It soon became a daily routine to walk in the park. As Mike got more active, his mental health improved. Max also helped Mike make new friends on his walks to strengthen his social life. Max became my friend’s personal trainer and therapist.

There are days when nothing is more pleasant than walking with your dog through streets, parks, and forests. However, there are also days when it is raining, cold, or too hot. Days when one would rather stay home if it weren’t for a four-legged being with brown eyes who says, “I want to go out; I’m bored!”

Studies say having a pet is a lucky break for us humans. Pets, especially dogs, reduce risk factors like obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, stress reactions, and cardiovascular disease.

The American Heart Association (AHA) published a study on the effects of pet ownership on cardiovascular health. Researchers conclude that emotional attachment to the animal is essential for people’s health, since they exercise more.

According to another study, dogs reduce the risk of allergies in children. Therefore, parents should not fear children coming into contact with animals because children who grow up with pets have a healthier immune system.

Pets help with physical health and make humans more resistant to stress. Researchers at the State University of New York examined 50 Wall Street Stock Exchange employees. The result: people with pets reacted more calmly to stress and looked more relaxed.

The same research team at the State University of New York tested 250 married and single couples to measure physical and psychological stress. The result: single subjects with pets showed lower stress reactions than those with a partner and pets.



1 – More socialization. What is the difference between a doctor’s and a veterinarian’s waiting rooms? While waiting at the vet, people tend to initiate conversations more quickly. In addition, pet owners are more likely to get to know their neighbors than people without pets. Having a dog counteracts loneliness and improves well-being. This is true for singles and older people.

2 – Less overweight. Dog owners are more active and spend more time outdoors. Therefore, they are more likely to reach the recommended level of physical activity. Consequently, dog walkers are less likely to be overweight.

3 – No doctor. A long-term study in Australia indicates that pet owners do not need to visit the doctor as much as those without pets.

4 – Longer life. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, but pet owners are less likely to suffer. According to a Swedish study, including data from over 3.4 million individuals, having a dog reduces the chances of cardiovascular disease and mortality for unmarried individuals.

✅ Other researchers showed a similar effect for cat owners. Anyone with a pet cat has a lower risk of heart attack.

✔️ How can pets improve their health? Pet owners tend to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and are less likely to be obese. In addition, pets improve their owners’ social skills.

✔️ What type of pets are the most recommended? Dogs and cats contribute to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce stress. In addition, petting a pet is helpful for arterial health. According to a study by the State University of New York, individuals with a cat or dog in their homes and taking anti-hypertension medication can reportedly reduce their blood pressure levels by 50%.

✔️ What are the best dog breeds for health? Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Beagle, Boxer, Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, and French Bulldog are some of the healthiest dog breeds. These breeds are known to be friendly, active, and easy to train.





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