Daily Vitamina

The Fantastic Benefits of Bananas

John, 66 years old, fell ill with the flu and ended up in the hospital. His doctor was surprised by the patient’s blood tests, which showed low cholesterol levels and blood pressure under control. When the doctor asked John for his secret, he attributed it to his daily consumption of bananas.

One of the highest calorie fruits on the market, bananas have some of the best uses for health care. Eating a banana is good for you because it contains eight amino acids that our body cannot produce alone. Bananas provide many nutrients, including vitamin B6, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and manganese. A medium-ripe banana provides:

1 – Fiber. The most common starch in bananas is resistant starch, which passes through the intestine without being digested. This starch acts as a type of fiber. Healthy microbes in the large intestine convert it into butyral through fermentation. Butyral is a type of fatty acid that improves intestinal tract health.

2 – Vitamins and minerals. Bananas are a rich source of potassium, helping lower blood pressure and contributing to a healthier heart. They are also a good source of vitamin C.

3 – Vegetable compounds. Like many fruits and vegetables, bananas contain several bioactive plant compounds. Dopamine: a crucial neurotransmitter in the brain. Catechin: Among the many antioxidant flavonoids in bananas, catechin is the main one that reduces the risk of a heart attack.

4 – Cardiovascular health. Bananas are rich in potassium, a vital mineral that helps nerve cells send signals to the heart to beat regularly. It also maintains a healthy water balance in the cells and reduces the effects of excess sodium in the diet. Too much sodium and too little potassium cause high blood pressure.

5 – Digestive health. Patients with diarrhea and other stomach ailments who require bland, easy-to-digest foods follow the BRAT diet (banana, rice, applesauce, and toast). Bananas help replenish electrolytes lost with vomiting or diarrhea.



 6 – Weight control. The notion that bananas cause weight gain is without evidence. Too, others studies claim bananas no cause weight loss, but they have several properties that may contribute to it. The fruits fiber-rich are associated with a lower weight.

Moreover, starch can be a beneficial ingredient for weight reduction. It reduces appetite, increases satiety, and enables you to consume fewer calories. In numerous studies, higher consumption of pears, apples, and berries showed less weight gain over time, but bananas also showed the same.

Myths. In some cultures, some people believe eating bananas is fattening. Others think they are bad for digestion. But it turns out these myths are just that: myths. They are also a tremendous prebiotic source, promoting healthy gut bacteria. Prebiotics are generally more robust than probiotic supplements. Many probiotics die off when they contact stomach acid or heat. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria already living in your gut, without getting destroyed during digestion. Despite many misconceptions, bananas are a prized fruit around the world. In many countries, especially in Asia, it is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Can people with diabetes eat bananas? Yes, it is only necessary to have controlled blood sugar levels. Bananas do not raise blood sugar levels due to their low GI. People with diabetes avoid eating very ripe bananas in large quantities.

How many bananas a day are healthy? One banana per day, at breakfast or after lunch, is sufficient. But, excessive consumption of bananas, more than two per day, is harmful.

Can pregnant women eat bananas? Yes. Bananas relieve morning sickness in pregnant women. They also help with constipation, a major problem during pregnancy.

Can babies eat bananas? Yes. Bananas are soft and easy to eat when mixed with food.

How long do bananas keep? Unripe green bananas can be stored for a few weeks; ripe golden yellow bananas for less than a week before they rot. Store bananas in a brown paper bag if you want bananas to ripen earlier. The flavor of golden yellow bananas will remain in the refrigerator in an airtight drawer for a week. The peel may turn brown, but the banana will keep.





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