Daily Vitamina

10 Natural Remedies to Improve Memory

Memory loss is the inability to remember a fact, a word, or a person. There are different levels of amnesia: retrograde amnesia is the ability to forget old memories, and retrograde amnesia is the inability to remember current facts and events. Memory deficits can be permanent or temporary. What causes loss of memory? An Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. A stroke that damages the brain. Taking sleeping pills and anxiolytic medications. Or, simply, old age.

How to improve or enhance Memory?

1 – Ginkgo biloba. Already known for its excellent effects on blood circulation, ginkgo biloba also has virtues on memory and intellectual functions. Use in liquid extracts, capsules, or infusions. Consume it regularly and even as a preventive measure for greater effectiveness.

2 – Ginseng. For intellectual fatigue cases, ginseng root is often consumed raw, in infusion, powder, or capsules. Ginseng root is equally effective against fatigue-related memory loss.

3 – Royal jelly. Due to its composition (B vitamins, essential for the proper functioning of the brain), royal jelly stimulates intellectual activity, such as memory improvement. In practice: consume 600 mg of pure and fresh royal jelly to melt under the tongue in the morning on an empty stomach, or 200 mg in capsules with a bit of water.

4 – Magnesium. According to American research, magnesium improves memory. This mineral maintains the connections of brain cells, which tend to alter over time. Recommended daily intake of magnesium: 420 mg for men and 360 mg for women.

5 – Zinc. It is essential for proper functioning and optimization in the hippocampus (a brain region involved in Memory). In practice: eat oysters regularly (the food containing the most zinc: 80 mg per 100 g). Recommended daily intake of zinc: 12 mg for men, 10 mg for women.

6 – B vitamins. A Dutch study on 850 people proves that a vitamin B9 supplement prevents memory impairment. Eat whole grains, wheat germ, liver, brewer’s yeast, spinach, peas, crustaceans, lentils, eggs, milk, fish, or carrots, all rich in vitamin B. Benefits of B9: contains folate or folic acid, necessary for the production of red blood cells, tissue growth, and cellular functioning.


7 – Green tea. Drinking at least two cups of green tea daily reduces the risk of memory problems, says a Japanese study of more than 1000 people. Tea’s benefit is its richness in caffeine and theine (substances that stimulate the nervous system). Caution: tea should be consumed in moderation by pregnant women and children.

8 ­­– Hydrocotyle. A plant famous in India, China, and Indonesia, Indian Hydrocotyle (also called “frog-weed”) is a valuable remedy for improving memory. The raw leaves are eaten as a salad or steamed as a cooked vegetable. Raw leaves have a celery flavor.

9 – Rosemary oil. For concentration, alertness, and memory. To take advantage of its benefits, place a drop of this essential oil on a handkerchief and breathe it up to three times a day. It is not recommended in the case of hypertension.

10 – Lemon oil. Particularly stimulating, it helps recover good cognitive functions. Inhale it in a handkerchief or add two drops of honey up to three times daily. Do not apply it pure on the skin because it reduces its effectiveness.

What are the foods to preserve Memory? What we put on our plates also directly impacts the brain. Whole grains and legumes. The primary fuel for the brain is sugar. For the brain to be fueled and memory to function, it is essential to maintain a constant sugar level. Complete grains and legumes are a great asset.

Oily fish and vegetable oils. Their richness in omega 3, an essential fatty acid, allows better memorization. The reason? These lipids ensure excellent fluidity of the membrane of neurons. Every day, consume one or two tablespoons of flaxseed or walnut oil and, once or twice a week, a serving of fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, or blue tuna.

Almonds. The advantage of these tiny fruits is their great richness in magnesium. A magnesium deficiency increases fatigue, hypersensitivity to stress, sleep disorders, and memory lapses. Every day, add a handful of almonds to breakfast or a snack.

✅ Memories are still there. Nothing is forgotten; it only hides and is stored deep in our memory. Sometimes, a smell is enough to evoke a sudden childhood memory, for example, a fact that we almost thought forgotten. Reading aloud improves memory. To learn syllabi, it is best to read them aloud, since the degree of attention is excellent. Sleep consolidates learning and helps form memories. Therefore, it is essential to sleep well the night before. Memory remembers better drawings than words. Therefore, when remembering specific study material, it is recommended that you use the schemes. Well-organized, brief, and schematic information will be well-retained.




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