Daily Vitamina

10 Tips to Stop Foot Pain

Foot pain, Asian woman sitting on sofa feeling pain in her foot at home, female suffering from feet ache use hand massage relax muscle from soles in home interior, Healthcare and podiatry medical

Several years ago, a young girl loved to dance, practicing her ballet moves and twirling around her living room. One day, she experienced sharp pain in her feet. She consulted the doctor and discovered a stress fracture in her foot. The young woman was upset by what had happened. Dancing was her passion, and without her feet, she could not do what she loved. She spent two weeks in bed and couldn’t move freely.

Feet are what allow us to walk, run and dance. We would not stand, let alone move, without the 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The young woman learned that taking care of her feet is essential. She began wearing proper footwear and stretching before dancing. She knew the importance of rest and recovery so that her feet could heal properly.

🔴 The average person walks 115,000 miles (185,075 km) in their lifetime, five times around the globe.

There are many types of foot pain, such as sharp pain, pain in the whole foot, pain in the ankle, pain in the arch, and pain under or over the foot. Foot pain is often mild and temporary. There is no reason to neglect it. The foot is one of the most stressed parts of the body, so it is essential to figure out where the pain is coming from and what solutions there are.

Foot pain can come from sports injuries, hereditary pathologies, or inadequate footwear. It can also be a biomechanical problem, such as an imbalance in the skeleton—other difficulties: bunions, ingrown toenails, and warts.

Flat feet are a common foot difficulty. There is no arch in the feet of newborn children, and the problem can follow over the years. The main symptoms include pain in the feet and swelling on the inside of the ankle. Plantar tendonitis. It is a painful condition in which the tendon that supports the foot arch becomes inflamed. When you wake up in the morning or gain weight, you feel a lot of pain.

Diseases of the blood vessels, skin, and body can cause foot pain. For example, blood vessels narrow due to arteriosclerosis and swell the feet. Occasionally, the deep part of the skin is infected with bacteria, causing swelling of the feet.

Most people need to learn the right shoe for each foot type. Knowing your foot type before going to the stores can make a big difference for slow walking, fast walking, jogging, or marathons.


1) A stiff and stable shoe is best for flat feet, because it prevents your ankles from bending inward or outward.

2) If you have high arches, look for a supremely cushioned shoe. High-arched feet don’t absorb shock well, so that cushion absorbs the shock.

🔴 Buy shoes late afternoon, when your feet are more spread out. 

✅ Ten tips to stop foot pain and keep your feet healthy:

1 – Check your feet daily. 2 – Wear socks made of natural materials and without seams. 3 – Maintain daily foot hygiene. 4 – Dry your feet well after showering, especially between the toes. 5 – Moisturize your feet daily. 6 – Wear appropriate footwear, preferably leather and flexible. 7 – Avoid wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes. 8 – Do not walk barefoot in public places like swimming pools or locker rooms. 9 – Cut your nails straight and not too short. 10 – If you have foot problems, consult a podiatric specialist.

How to relieve foot pain? There are several solutions. In any case, arriving well-prepared for consultation with the doctor or podiatrist is vital. Here are some questions to help you prepare for your appointment: Does the pain wake you up at night or keep you awake? How severe is the pain, on a scale of 1 to 10? Does the pain worse when you go up or down stairs? Does the pain increase when you play impact sports such as tennis, running, or soccer? Do you have a history of previous treatment?

Good daily hygiene is essential, washing and drying them well, especially between the toes. It is indispensable to examine your feet regularly to detect any abnormalities. 

The right shoes should also be chosen for each physical activity, as this will adequately protect the feet and prolong the life of the footwear. Other tips for keeping feet healthy include moisturizing, avoiding walking barefoot in public places, trimming nails carefully, and avoiding inappropriate footwear. In addition, it is advisable to avoid crossing your legs for long periods and to do exercises to stimulate blood circulation in your feet. By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure a better quality of life and healthy feet.

🟡 Foot. 🟢 Hygiene.

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