Daily Vitamina

A Natural Way to Boost Your Immunity

We all know that our immune system destroys any foreign body that threatens to harm us. Immunity keeps the body healthy and active, but low immunity can cause fatigue, body aches and pains, and other illnesses. Our immune system includes white blood cells, including lymphocytes, which protect our body from infections and diseases.

1 – What are the best times to strengthen your immune defenses? When the season changes from hot to cold, or vice versa, and when one travels, one faces new bacteria.

Food is the first step in taking care of your immune system. 70% of our immune system is found in the gut, which is the first barrier of defense. Our intestinal flora (or microbiota) has many good and bad bacteria.

2 – Unbalanced intestinal flora will favor infections. Fermented foods will bring beneficial bacteria to the intestinal flora, the famous probiotics. These beneficial bacteria will help us achieve excellent resistance to diseases.

Fermented products include yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, and miso (a fermented soybean paste). Several fermented beverages include kefir and kombucha. One probiotic known for its antimicrobial effects, and more effectiveness, is black garlic. Moreover, onions, artichokes, and asparagus are rich in probiotics.

3 – Eating a diet rich in antioxidant vitamins is essential to have a healthy immune system. These vitamins stimulate the production of immune system cells, such as B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, and macrophages, which are necessary to manufacture antibodies that destroy microbes or harmful bacteria.

4 – Vitamin C reduces both the severity and duration of colds. It is also vital for the renewal of white blood cells. Where to find vitamin C in the diet? In raw vegetables, fruits, or berries, like citrus fruits, exotic fruits, or berries.

5 – Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased risk of infectious diseases. Where to find vitamin D in the diet? In fatty fish, such as cod liver, mackerel, sardines, herring, and anchovies. For a better assimilation of vitamin D, expose yourself to the sun for 15 minutes daily.

6 – Vitamin A and vitamin E together contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system. Where to find vitamin A in the diet? In carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, and cabbage. Where to find vitamin E in the diet? In hazelnut oils, nuts, and cereals.

7 – Increase the zinc content in the diet through poultry, fortified cereals, yogurt, oysters, and milk.  Zinc is a crucial mineral for fighting infection. It is directly involved in the properly functioning of the thymus, the organ that causes the production of white blood cells and antibodies. Where to find zinc in the diet? In white and red meat, fish, seafood, shellfish, crustaceans, and eggs.

8 – Magnesium stimulates the production of white blood cells, recommended when you are tired or stressed, and therefore more susceptible to infections. Where to find magnesium in the diet? In cereals, nuts, oil seeds, dried vegetables.

9 – Iron is a vital element for proper body functioning: it transports oxygen to the body. It participates in the formation of red blood cells and the regeneration of lymphocytes.

Children with iron deficiencies have a higher risk of diseases, with chances of repeated infections, such as Otitis. Where to find iron in the diet? In meat (especially red meat), black pudding, liver, seafood, fish, mussels, legumes, and seaweed.

10 – Another natural immune booster for your body is the echinacea, a herbal plant highly recommended against the common cold, flu, and other types of infection. It is also non-toxic and has no side effects.

🔴 The following symptoms are signs of a weakened immune system: persistent fatigue, which often masks chronic stress or lack of sleep, two factors that weaken immunity; increased sensitivity to infections, seen with frequent colds, urinary tract infections, herpes rashes, repeated vaginitis, persistent warts, etc.; diabetes, lung, or kidney disease, cardiovascular disorder, cancer, wounds slow to heal, etc.


Eating various fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources and healthy fats provides the vitamins and minerals needed for a strong immune system. Sleep well for at least eight hours to rejuvenate your body. It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. Regular exercise is also beneficial to the immune system. Exercise reduces stress, which can weaken the immune system, and flushes toxins from the body. Avoid too many antibiotics, which are harmful to the body.

➡️ Encyclopedia Online >
Immunity. Probiotic. Lymphocyte.


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