Daily Vitamina

5 Foods That Make You Smarter

Once upon a time, a wise older man named Mr. Paul was known for his remarkable intelligence. He was a person who could solve intricate problems and come up with innovative solutions. Everyone in town consulted him when they needed advice.

Mr. Paul said intelligence is not just thinking, reasoning, learning, or remembering facts, but also the ability to use the brain 100 percent. “And how do I use the brain and become brilliant?” asked a curious girl. “Foremost, feed the brain well throughout its life,” replied the old man.

The brain is an incredibly complex and vital organ, but it only makes up about 2% of our body. Despite its small size, the brain requires a balanced diet to stay healthy and function properly. Nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, can provide essential vitamins and minerals for proper cognitive functioning.

Here are five foods to be more innovative.

1 Omega-3. Sardines, mackerel, herring, and salmon give our brain Omega-3, a fatty acid that helps the brain work better. Numerous scientific studies have identified Omega-3 as the number one nutrient for fighting dementia and age-related cognitive decline.

2 Chocolate. Cocoa rich in flavonoids stimulates blood flow to the brain, which in turn helps boost cognitive performance. Flavonoids are potent antioxidants that protect us from the damaging effects of free radicals and unstable molecules that can damage our cells and organs, leading to disease and aging.

3 Fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene was discovered in the early 20th century by a German chemist, Heinrich Wackenroder, who was investigating the structure of carrots. It is a chemical compound in fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and apricot.

Furthermore, beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, capable of protecting the body and brain from stress damage.

4 Seafood. The ocean is a vast and mysterious place filled with creatures. One of the species is the shellfish, a small invertebrate that lives in the deep sea. Shellfish is a source of food for many coastal communities. Additionally, some cultures believe eating shellfish improves mental clarity, assists concentration, and combats anxiety, fatigue, and nervousness. Scientists have concluded from analyzing the eating habits of people around the world that seafood is beneficial for the brain. People who eat more seafood have a higher IQ than people who eat less seafood.

5 Iron. Our brain is greedy for oxygen. The body needs iron to get this resource to the brain. John was studying to be a scientist. He was always bright and inquisitive. When he heard about the benefits of iron intake for the brain, he researched and discovered that it could benefit his cognitive abilities.

He initially noticed improvements in his concentration and attention. Soon, his memory was sharper, and his problem-solving skills improved. Bottom line: Iron helps improve blood flow to the brain, which helps you think more clearly. Eggs, spinach, legumes, lentils, dark chocolate, and red meat are some foods with iron.

Unsaturated fats are the enemy of the brain: butter, cream, sausages, and fried foods. The brain is the organ most susceptible to a bad diet. If we give it what it needs, we will keep it young.

All foods in the brain diet should have one thing in common: as little industrial processing as possible. Plants grown without pesticides and animals raised outdoors are safer and have a better nutritional profile.

The brain requires more than 45 nutrients to be at its best. Water is the most important thing of all. Dehydration causes the narrowing of the brain. Lack of fluids can cause various ailments, including fatigue, mental fogginess, lack of energy, headaches, and mood swings.

Brain performance increases by 30% when you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. The water, too, is in fruits and vegetables, smoothies, infusions, and teas (green because it is richer in antioxidants than black). In conclusion, the excellent activity of the human brain and its intelligence depends on a single source: food.

Simple tricks to make your brain smarter (according to Harvard University). 1. Learn a New Game or Skill. 2. Challenge Your Senses. 3. Say Things Out Loud. 4. Connect Old Information to New Information. 5. Brush Your Teeth with The Opposite Hand. 6. Cultivate a Social Life.

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