Daily Vitamina

5 Benefits of Eating Breakfast Every Day

Breakfast was approaching. The morning is beautiful, the sun rises, and birds sing. John is the first person in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He follows a routine: he starts with a pot of coffee, then cooks scrambled eggs and toast. He enjoys working with the process. Soon, the house begins to fill with the smell of coffee and food, and the rest of the family starts to wake up.

You probably have been told breakfast is “the most important meal of the day.” When you go to sleep, you go without eating for 6 to 9 hours. Therefore, breakfast is the first meal you have for an extended period.

Breakfast is like the fuel that ignites the body in the morning. The body needs protein because it cannot store it in the body. Sugar levels are likely altered by not eating for many hours. Breakfast levels out the number of sugars in the body, helping prevent diabetes.

Healthy breakfast foods, such as eggs, fruit, or cereals, are a good source of many of the vitamins and minerals we need throughout the day. Without these foods in the morning, it will be difficult to replenish this loss later in the day. The body needs nutrients to function well.

Spending 15 minutes at breakfast every day should include a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a banana. You will have completed a fourth food group by drinking a glass of milk.

Five benefits for a good breakfast.

  1. Charging batteries. The body works very fast while we sleep. The cells are rejuvenated, and the brain forms new connections. This requires energy, and batteries are depleted first thing in the morning. The body needs carbohydrates, protein, and fiber to start the day.

Foods containing many carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread or oatmeal, are essential for breakfast and charge the batteries used at night. The ideal breakfast consists of a combination of bread and protein-rich foods, such as yogurt or cheese.

  1. Better concentration. The stomach usually growls at 10 a.m. and is not suitable for work. If you eat breakfast, you can concentrate better. Carbohydrates give your brain energy for everything. And proteins create neurotransmitters that animate the brain.

  1. Curb cravings. People who don’t eat breakfast constantly watch the clock around noon, because they think about unhealthy fatty cafeteria food and sweet snacks. People who eat breakfast have more energy for most of the day and do not require “cravings.”
  1. Smoothies. If you start your day with a smoothie or a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit, you will be in optimal condition to feel good. A smoothie breakfast provides many essential vitamins and nutrients quickly and easily. Rich in protein, fruits, and vegetables, a smoothie is an optimal source of energy and vitamin C. It is therefore the best prerequisite for a great start to the day.
  1. Oatmeal. An excellent food to start the day, oatmeal provides energy and contains a large amount of fiber to keep you full and satisfied. Oat flakes break down slowly in the stomach, providing long-lasting energy. Studies have found that oats lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels, and prevent heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

For an antioxidant boost to your oatmeal, add blueberries and raspberries. These delicious fruits contain antioxidants that fight heart disease, cancer, and many other conditions. Blueberries also help preserve eyesight. To stay in shape, vary your morning meals by eating oatmeal one day and eggs and meat on another. This will speed up your metabolism and help you burn fat.

It is frightening how many children go to school in the morning without breakfast. An old nutritional motto says, “Eat breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king, and eat like a pauper in the evening.”

Studies indicate that those who eat breakfast regularly follow a healthier lifestyle. They consume more fruit, absorb essential nutrients, and move more frequently.

A scientific study shows that breakfast improves the quality of the entire diet, keeps the metabolism balanced, and promotes mental performance throughout the day. These benefits have a positive effect on health in both the short and long term.

A report published by the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the World Health Organization (WHO) says, “a regular breakfast is considered part of a healthy diet and is an essential element of an overall healthy lifestyle. Several studies confirm those who want a balanced diet should not skip breakfast.”

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