Daily Vitamina

How To Properly Wash Your Hair

Hair is so important to women and a recent survey found that women will try 36 different hairstyles in their lifetime, even though they will keep going back to the same cut. Women take pride in their hair; they love compliments because keeping beautiful hair is no easy task. ThinkstockPhotos-532188273

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The first thing you have to worry about is properly washing your hair. Visiting your hairstylist is a great way to pamper yourself and keep your hair looking beautiful and healthy. There are many treatments that you could do that promote healthy hair, such as deep conditioning treatments that give your hair the nutrients that it needs. Everyone has a different type of hair, so it’s best to talk to your hairstylist about what products that will work best for you.

Many hairstylists say that one of the biggest mistakes women do is not being able to wash their hair correctly. A common mistake is applying shampoo and conditioner directly on the top of your scalp, which clogs up your pores and prevents your hair from growing.

Step 1:Brush your hair before you jump in the shower. Get a good brush with natural hair bristles; they’re worth the money. When you brush your hair you prevent it from getting tangled when you wash it.

Step 2: Rinse your hair with warm water, not too hot because that can dry out your scalp too. Make sure you rinse it good to remove any product from your hair.

Step 3: Put a small amount of shampoo on your hand, you only need about a dime to a quarter’s worth. Begin applying it to the ends of your hair, start at the bottom and work your way up. Then massage your scalp and rinse off.

Step 4: Just like with the shampoo, start with the ends of your hair. Never apply shampoo or conditioner directly on your hair because that will clog up your hair follicles and prevent it from growing.

Step 5: Use a hair treatment once a week, you can easily buy a hair mask or even put avocado, mayonnaise or coconut oil to maintain your hair healthy and shiny. Ask your hairstylist what type of hair conditioning treatment works best for you. Usually you will need one every three months.

Step 6: Dry your hair with a towel first by patting your hair dry. If you’re using a blow dryer, make sure you don’t put in on high heat, especially if you have fine hair, curly hair, or color-treated hair. Use a heat-protection spray when blow drying. This also protects your hair from environmental factors like the sun, air, and cold. Use this every day.

Step 7: When styling your hair with heat using a flat or curling iron, just like with blow-drying make sure you use a heat-protection spray that works best with your hair. Talk to your hairstylist and ask him to reccomend something for your type of hair. You can also read the label and reviews of products to see how well they will work for your type of hair.

Many times we cut our hair thinking that this will make our hair longer, but this is a myth. You are actually adding months to your growing time, instead worry about your scalp. A clean scalp and massaging your scalp regularly will allow your hair to grow faster.

NEXT: Home Remedies for Shiny, Strong, & Healthy Hair

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