Daily Vitamina

Erase Age With Cosmetic Acupuncture

What Is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

The use of acupuncture needles on specific points on the face to enhance beauty has been done for centuries in China. It’s now an accepted and well sought out option to help reduce wrinkles and lift sagging skin in the U.S.

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Cosmetic acupuncture is done to help create collagen just under the skin to help fill in wrinkles and plump skin, similar to the results of Botox, These treatments are ‘constitutional’ and work on the total person helping to address issues that may contribute to wrinkles and sagging such as insomnia, stress and anxiety.

Many patients are opting for needles over the knife, and Botox.  Especially pregnant woman who don’t want the toxin of Botox injected into them while they are carrying the love of their life.


Cosmetic acupuncture can help to improve the appearance of the entire face and not just certain spots.

It can help to reduce wrinkles and frown lines, smile lines and smoker’s lines around the mouth. In many cases the color and texture of the skin brightens and sagging skin gets lifted in a natural way.

A terrific advantage is that this protocol addresses the person’s overall health. Western medical approaches are simply about the face only.

The Study

One 1996 study published in the International Journal of Acupuncture said that of 300 patients surveyed, 90 percent said they saw a lessening of lines, clearer skin tone and subtle tightening.

Since patients don’t take chemicals into their body or undergo anesthesia and surgery, there’s little if any controversy over the safety of the procedure.

The Protocol

Before acupuncture treatment begins, your face is massage with a wonderful product to help create a supple and receptive skin texture which makes the skin more amendable and receptive to treatment. When the treatment is done, you will receive a brief facial massage with a special lotion to tighten your pores and gently nourish and tonify your skin. Your friends and family will be amazed at the results.

Sessions take up from 60 to 90 minutes each. The course of treatment consists of two acupuncture facial rejuvenation sessions per week for 5 weeks.  After completion of the protocol, patients are encouraged to come in for treatment once monthly for maintenance.

For more info visit: http://www.aboutface-ny.com/

Mike Berkley, Founder and Director of About Face in New York City, is licensed and Board Certified in Acupuncture in New York State. Mike is also certified in Chinese Herbology by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Mike graduated from The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York in 1996.  Mike completed his training in Facial Acupuncture Rejuvenation in 2014 at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.


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