Daily Vitamina

6 Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

After her doctor informed her that her blood pressure was dangerously high, Jenny changed her lifestyle. First, she cut back on salt and processed foods and increased her intake of fruits and vegetables. She drank plenty of water to stay hydrated, and moved her muscles and body more often.

Jenny found that going for a brisk walk or run in the morning recharged her energy for the day. She also made sure to get a good night’s sleep every night. She now maintains a healthy lifestyle due to these simple steps.

Excessive blood pressure is among the most dangerous risk factors for stroke, heart attack, and many other cardiovascular diseases. If you want to lower or control your blood pressure, you must rely on the six (6) fundamental tips of heart specialists.

1 – Adequate physical activity. You can regulate your blood pressure values thanks to sports and regular exercise. Bicycling, walking, and swimming are excellent for healthy living.

2 – Keep your weight under control. According to studies, blood pressure drops with an average weight loss of four kilograms (nine pounds). Blood pressure is more stable when you weigh less.

3 – Minimize your salt intake. Salt sensitivity is a big problem for people with high blood pressure. Low salt content is a characteristic of healthy foods (fruits and vegetables).

4 – Drink only moderately. One drink daily for women and up to two for men is considered moderate consumption. When consumed in large quantities, alcohol lowers blood pressure and raises it 13 hours later. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption makes blood pressure medications less effective.

5 – Try to relax. Make sure you get enough rest. Stress triggers biological processes that result in a chronic inflammatory response, which damages blood vessels and raises blood pressure.


6 – Smoke less or abstain from smoking. Blood pressure decreases one week after quitting smoking. A former smoker’s cardiovascular disease risk is comparable to a lifetime nonsmoker two years after leaving. From a health perspective, switching to electronic cigarettes or vaporizers is not a sensible solution.

Antihypertensive foods. There are some naturally antihypertensive foods, in addition to the six fundamental suggestions for lowering blood pressure values.

Consuming beet juice lowers blood pressure, according to a study conducted in England with 14 volunteers. Nitrates in beets, which dilate blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure, are responsible for the effect.

Nitrates are also abundant in other vegetables, such as fennel and white cabbage. Due to the high proportion of flavonoids in dark chocolate, a reduction in blood pressure is possible. The ginger is also suitable for cooking or brewing as tea. It controls blood pressure by having a vasodilator effect.

⭕️ Attention. The antihypertensive foods mentioned above do not replace necessary medications. They are a supplement with a balanced diet.

How can hypertension be prevented early in life? WHO recommends reducing salt, eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight to avoid high blood pressure.

What are the symptoms of hypertension? Most people can ignore high blood pressure, even when the readings are dangerous. People with high blood pressure may not show signs until it reaches a severe and dangerous level. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly monitor blood pressure levels.

How to detect high blood pressure? Regular blood pressure checks are vital, because the disease usually has no early warning signs.

What is the normal blood pressure? Normal blood pressure for adults is “a systolic pressure of less than 120 and a diastolic pressure of less than 80”. If the systolic blood pressure is 130 or higher, it is high blood pressure. To measure blood pressure in the arm, avoid caffeine and exercise before measuring it. If high blood pressure is present, it is essential to consult a physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.





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