Daily Vitamina

15 Diabetes Friendly Snacks

Ripe strawberries and strawberry smoothie

kefir smoothieIf you’re like most people, the thought of snacking comes along with a bit of trepidation. You believe that snacking can be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Still, you also associate snacking with less-healthy choices such as chips, crackers and cookies.

The truth is, snacking can actually be part of a healthy lifestyle, and just about any food can be a snack food—not only those less-healthy items.

The Benefits of Snacking

Research indicates that people who eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day are less likely to be obese or overweight. And that’s not all, other health benefits include:

Smart Snacking

Snacking can be a challenge when you are eating mindlessly. If you eat when you are not hungry or out of emotion, you are indeed eating mindlessly.  Typically, when doing so, your food choices are high calorie, low nutrient foods, which are often referred to as empty calorie foods.

Smart snacking begins with being mindful about your hunger, and then making a healthier choice. Healthy snacks are low calorie, high nutrient foods—known as nutrient dense foods. These give you more bang (nutrients) for your buck (calories). Foods with 20% or more of the Daily Value for a vitamin or mineral are an excellent source, and are nutrient dense.

Additionally, counting carbohydrates can help you plan your snacks, and will serve to keep your blood sugar under control. Look for snacks with no more than 200 calories, 15-to-20 grams of carbohydrates and less than 5 grams of sugar. Add a little fat and protein, and you’ve got the perfect snack!

Here are 15 diabetes-friendly snack ideas to get you started:



Constance Brown-Riggs is a registered dietitian, and a certified diabetes educator providing virtual nutrition counseling and consultation. She is the author of the Diabetes Guide to Enjoying Foods of the World, and the African American Guide to Living Well with Diabetes. Follow Constance on Instagram, and Twitter @eatingsoulfully.

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