Daily Vitamina

DIY Mani-Pedi +Tips To Keep Nails Strong

The beauty industry is a 20 billion dollar industry and any woman will tell you that beauty maintenance doesn’t come cheap. On average you can expect to spend about $20 on a manicure and about $40 on a mani-pedi. Some women feel that it’s an unnecessary expense and they enjoy taking care of their nails at home and save the mani-pedi for special occasions. It’s actually pretty simple and therapeutic because it’s fun to do some self-care pampering at home.


If you suffer from weak brittle nails that break often, check out these tips to keep your nails strong:

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Wear gloves when you wash dishes
  3. Trim your nails often
  4. Moisturize and add cuticle oil to your nails at night
  5. Eat more protein and biotin
  6. Drink more milk (vitamin D)
  7. Eat more healthy Omega-3s
  8. Buy nail polish that has nourishing vitamins and oils
  9. Don’t bite your nails, play with your cuticles or use your nails as tools
  10. Take vitamins

Step 1

The first thing you have figure out is what you’re going to need for your nails.

You will need:

Step 2

Start by trimming your finger and toenails and removing any nail polish you might have on. Use a non-acetone remover because acetone can make your nails extra dry. Then, file down your nails to smooth out any imperfections from when you cut them. Use a buffing block on your nails, which cleans out any yellow stains and gives them shine, making them look healthy and ready for the polish.

Step 3

Soak your nails in a bowl with olive oil for about 10 minutes. This will help keep your nails and cuticles hydrated and make them stronger. For your feet, you can use a body scrub my mixing a tablespoon of sugar with olive oil or baby oil to gently scrub off dead cells. Once your nails are nice and soft, push back your cuticles to get a nice shape. Now you can apply some vitamin-rich moisturizer and massage it into your nails.

Step 4

Apply a base coat to your nails and let it dry. Then put about 2 thin layers of polish, allowing for it to completely dry. Don’t forget the top coat and don’t touch anything. If you didn’t get the nail polish to perfection, don’t worry about it. You can clean up your smudged nail polish by running your nails in warm water after they are completely dry.  Just make sure you don’t scratch out the nail polish and ruin your hard work!

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