Making time to workout can be difficult when you have a busy life with a husband and children–but not impossible. Angelica Amador Benitez has two children and gained 100 pounds from each pregnancy. She was not happy with the way she looked or felt, so she decided to do something about it.
“My first pregnancy I went through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and you are injecting yourself with hormones to get pregnant–even though I don’t think it was the hormones, I was just eating more than I was supposed to,” explains Angelica Amador Benitez. During both her pregnancies she gained 100 pounds, prior to that she was 140 pounds.
“I’ve always been a gym rat because I love the rush of walking into a gym, but when you are 250 pounds, you don’t want to be jumping up and down at a gym,” she says. As a new mom, she didn’t have the flexibility in her schedule to go to a gym because she had a newborn to take care of, so she needed a program she could do in the comfort of her own home. Angelica was up one night and purchased Turbo Jam at 2 a.m. and decided to give it a shot.