Everywhere you look, you see someone busy on their cellphone, laptop or tablet. It’s no surprise that texting while driving is now the leading cause of death among teenagers, surpassing drinking and driving. A new study shows that the love for technology is starting at even a younger age because many children below five years old are being left alone with just their mobile devices.
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According to a survey by Common Sense Media, 72% of children 8 years old and younger used a mobile device in 2013. The survey, which included 350 parents, reported allowing their children 6 months to 4 years old play with mobile devices while they did housework and 65% said they gave their child a mobile device in public, so they could calm down.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has advised parents to not give children under the age of 2 any screen time, but now it advises them to set time limits. The fact is that they don’t know the consequences screen time can cause for their early social development. Yet, the lack of parental supervision is more worrisome than the use of mobile devices.