For the majority of parents, the most important people in their lives are their children and they will do everything they can to protect them and keep them healthy. Vaccinations are something that protects children from disease. When a person receives a vaccine, a killed or weakened version of an organism is introduced to their body, which gives them immunity against that organism. It’s something both children and parents dread, but the pain of the needle outweighs the risk of getting sick and is a crucial component of a child’s preventative care.
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Overall, vaccines provide anywhere from 90-99% protection against the disease you’re being vaccinated for, like Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B). Likewise, the occurrence of infectious diseases such as Hib are in many cases, nearly non-existent thanks to vaccination. In the 1980’s when the vaccine was first introduced, there were 20,000 annual Hib cases reported. In 2014, we saw only 10 cases.

What vaccines are given to infants?
The diseases that childhood vaccines are meant to prevent mostly occur when a child is very young, and the risk of complications from these potential diseases is greatest. Most vaccines are applied early in life from birth to age 2. For this reason, postponing vaccines until a child is older may be too late.
Vaccine schedule from birth to age 2
- HepB
2 Months
- HepB; PCV; Hib; Polio (IPV); RV; DTaP
4 Months
- DTaP; PCV; Hib; IPV; RV
6 Months
- HepB; DTaP; PCV; Hib; IPV; RV
- Annual flu shots can be given to infants starting at 6 months
1 Year
- MMR; PCV; Hib; Varicella; HepA
- Seasonal influenza
15 to 18 Months
- DTaP
- Seasonal influenza
Common side effects of vaccines, include:
- Low-grade fever
- Soreness
- Redness or swelling at injection site
- Temporary headache
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- A severe allergic reaction or a neurological side effect (such as a seizure) are a rare ocurrence