Many times in the Latino community, when a member of the family comes out as gay, there are mixed reactions and when you’re a celebrity, everyone has an opinion. Chiquis Rivera, the late Jenni Rivera’s daughter confirmed this week that her brother Johny is gay after some images of him with another young man surfaced on social media. The singer confirmed the news on El gordo y la flaca and is fully supportive of her brother, and while his aunt Rosie loves him, she doesn’t agree with her nephew’s lifestyle choice.
“It’s true. I support him, he’s my boy and I have always supported the gay community. I am spiritual and my religion is love, he’s happy, and I am happy with him and I support him,” Chiquis Rivera said during the program. Johny was pictured alongside a young man named Joaquín and people started speculating that he was more than just his friend.
“People say that if Jenni would be alive, she wouldn’t support his decision. Things aren’t like that and before you start judging, sit down with a person from the gay community. Don’t judge!,” said Chiquis. “It saddens me to see these ugly comments. He’s my baby, my boy, and love is love and he’s not hurting anyone and it’s not good that people are talking about this subject about a minor.”