Social media is a great place to exchange ideas, but it’s also the primary way that young people get their news. More and more health experts are stepping up to the plate and providing useful information that can be shared among the masses to better their health. Dr. Hector Martinez is a chiropractor that is often sharing tips and ideas on a variety of health issues, including back pain remedies, symptoms you should watch out for, and even home remedies.

“I realized it’s a lot of fun being in a place where I can go in there and express myself,” says Martinez. His Facebook page contains videos where he talks about different remedies, personal health experiences and more. He expresses how he enjoys interacting with his followers and on few occasions, he has gained patients from his following.
Martinez has an especially great following from sharing his knowledge from home remedies and supplements, which is something that the Latino community is very interested in. He took the knowledge he learned from school and training and applied that to himself. He later began sharing the remedies he would use on himself to his community on Facebook.