Drinking fresh water is something that is vital for our bodies, but at the same time, it’s something that we take for granted. In many Latin American countries, fresh fruit water is something that is part of their culture, and you can’t go too far without finding a street vendor selling fruit water or even at the market. It is recommended that we drink 8 glasses of water a day or the equivalent to half a gallon, but do we?
What Are Some of The Benefits of Water?
Water makes up nearly 60% of our bodies, which is why we can’t go a day without drinking it. Water helps dissolve essential vitamins and nutrients from the food you eat and deliver them to our cells. Our bodies use water to flush out toxins, regulate our body temperature and metabolism, as well as:
- Balance body fluids: Help digest food, create saliva and communicate with your kidneys telling them how much water needs to leave your body and how much needs to stay.
- Aids weight loss: Those wanting to lose weight can replace calories with water and fruits and vegetables with high water content, which makes you feel full and eat less.
- Makes your skin look great: Those who drink plenty of water can benefit
from beautiful skin. - Bowel movements: Water helps the flow of your gastrointestinal tract, and prevents constipation.
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There are so many ways that keeping hydrated helps your body function better. When you don’t there can be noticeable changes to your body and you can be affected by:
- Feeling tired
- High and low blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Obesity
- Gastritis
- Urinary infections
- Rheumatism
Food That Keeps You Hydrated
It’s important to take the necessary small steps to drink more water. There are many fruits and vegetables that have lots of water, like watermelon, celery, oranges, cucumbers, tomatoes and green peppers, just to name a few. Many people don’t like the plain taste of water and if you’re one of those people, make lemonade or fruit water. You can add variety by adding different things like berries and lemons, or even cucumber and mint to your water. Get into the habit of keeping hydrated and you’ll immediately see the changes to your body and skin.