Coffee is the one thing you’ll find in the majority of households across America, and even in our Latin American countries. Most people enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the morning because it has caffeine and it gives you the energy that you need. There are other health benefits to drinking coffee, such as coffee can help you lose weight, in fact caffeine is found in many fat burning supplements and it can help boost the metabolic rate by 3-11%.
Coffee also includes vitamins like riboflavin, manganese, and potassium. It can also help lower the risk of getting type 2 diabetes by 25-50%–shocking. There have been several studies that have found that coffee can help prevent Parkinson’s disease, protect against heart failure and even reduce stroke. Your coffee is a lot tastier now that you know it’s many benefits.
Of course drinking too much coffee can have negative effects, but there are many other things that you can do with your leftover coffee. Have you ever smelled the leftover wet grounds in your coffee maker, ever wonder what you could do with those delicious smelling grounds?
Don’t Throw Away Your Used Coffee Grounds
- Get rid of stinky smells: Insert a small pouch with coffee grounds inside a pair of stinky shoes, the fridge, or even wash your hands after cutting onions. The coffee grounds help absorb the bad smells.
- Beauty: Mix your coffee grounds with your shampoo to eliminate build up and oily hair. Mix 2 tbsp. of coffee, 2 tbsp. of cocoa powder, 3 tbsp. of yogurt, and 1 tbsp. of honey and make a mask and put it on your face. This coffee face scrub is guaranteed to wake you up in the morning, making your skin feel great.
- In the garden: You can use it as compost, fertilizer, and even insect repellant. You can also use it to change the color of your hydrangeas and keep cats out of your garden, because they don’t like the smell.
- Use it as a meat rub or use it as a marinade. There are many recipes that you can find online and use your coffee grounds to give meat color and a rich taste.
- Get rid of your headache: caffeine can reduce the swelling of blood vessels that in turn reduce the intensity of headaches.