Marco Borges is a celebrity nutritionist and author of The 22-Day Revolution Cookbook, which provides you with the tools to lead a plant-based diet. After years of being surrounded by disease, he began doing research on what is the best diet to help prevent and even reverse disease and he found that the only diet that works is a plant-based diet.
“I saw too much heart disease around me, everyone in my family was on heart medication, they were taking a cocktail of medicines every day and I thought, there has to be a solution,” explains Marco Borges to The Latin Kitchen. He wasn’t overweight and in fact, he’s always been healthy and explains that he’s weighed the same since he was 17-years-old. But, he knew that he had to do something to help the people he loved and to lead a healthier lifestyle away from the diseases that often plague the Latino community, which is heart disease and diabetes. “Two-thirds of our population is obese or overweight, we’ve got to do something about what we’re putting into our body and how we’re eating and if we don’t change our behavior, something radical is going to happen.”