The fall weather is here, the trees are changing color, and the weather is getting cooler, which only means you have to deal with fall allergies. There are so many great things that you can only do in the fall, such as go to festivals, go for a walk, and even open a window to let some fresh cool air inside your home. But unfortunately, these things come with a price—runny nose, scratchy throat, and watery eyes, which can make you feel pretty awful. Is there anything you can do to prevent your allergies?
Unfortunately during the fall there is a peak of ragweed pollen between the months of August all the way to the first frost, which is responsible for fall allergies. There’s not much you can do, but there are ways you can diminish the damage.
Take Allergy Pills
Many people hate having to take allergy pills, but if you know you suffer from allergies, don’t waste your time. Just take them to avoid feeling sick during the fall season. The longer you wait, the worst you will feel.